SLC | S21W6 : Video Learning Materials

in Teachers & Students3 months ago (edited)


I hope that you will be well with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I visited all the contests about three days ago and found this contest useful to participate in. I want to pay thanks to the admins and teachers of this contest. It is I think a unique contest on this platform and the reason behind joining this contest is to test my communication skills and ability to comprehend the power of communication. I hope that you will like this humble effort.

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✅1. Assume, that at this time a pandemic occurs. Make online learning materials by the material you master as a teacher or teacher (you must be the one who delivers the material). Duration at least 5 minutes and make it at least according to the existing examples, or you can add your creativity.

SLC/S21/W6 Ghias Amad

✅2.A description of the material you create, so that it can be understood by many other users.

Video Description
The material of this video is based on Cancer and its Characteristics.
The material explained in this video is described below.


The word "Cancer" originates from a Greek word "Karkinos". In the Latin language it is called "Cancer and was first used by a Mathematician known as Hippocrates. This term was used to describe swallowing in the body and the injuries that look like the roundworm in the body. But this term began to be used in the modern world in the 16th. Nowadays, it has been the most feared disease in the world. It is a disease whose danger always saddens a person, especially after the age of 40 years. Many people in the world have never touched Alcohol, cigarettes, or any other drug, but they have cancer. At the same time, many people in the world smoke, drink, and have many other bad activities but never die of cancer. The reason is that it is a complex disease in itself and it is very hard to cure. It is a disease that makes life tough and therefore, a person suffering from cancer lives a tough life.


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Stem Cells

The second part of this video includes the introduction of stem cells and their relationship with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. The description of the fact that stem cells are present in huge amounts in the fetus, the pre-birth stage of the child, and how they differentiate into each type of cell. Stem cells have also the ability to replicate themselves. The introduction of the Sometic Stem Cells includes the fact that the differential in Somatic Cells occurs and this differentiation leads to lessen the ability of universal differentiating of the stem cells. At this stage, the stem cells of the skin can only differentiate into the new cells of the skin. They cannot differentiate in blood or muscle cells. Similarly, the stem cells of the heart cannot be differentiated into the brain cells. When a person falls and faces any injury, the cells at the injured site become non-functioning and they begin to die. In this case, new cells are formed from the stem cells of the skin and tissues. The skin cells change in 4 Weeks and the Intestinal Cells take 4 to 7 days to renew the oldened cells. The old cells die off after a specific interval of time and they are replaced by new cells in the human body.

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Regeneration occurred by the stem cells

Regeneration is a process that occurs in all living organisms that can create sounds. It is a process in which a particular part of the body of the whole body is replaced. An interesting fact about the human body is that the only organ that can self-generation after when they have been separated from the body. The organ is the liver and if 90% of this organ is even cut, it can be regenerated by the body. This ability of the body enables the human body to repair it in the case of any injury.


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Gene Repairing Proteins

What if any gene gets damaged in the body? The body can repair such genes. There are many kinds of other genes in the body that can repair the genes in the body that get injured. For example, there is a gene in the human body called P53 Tumor Suppressor. It can inhibit the growth of tumor cells in the human body and it can repair the blocked or injured genes inside our body.


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Failure of System

But besides all the safety precursors that I have explained various reasons may cause the failure of the whole system and once if this system fails, there is no other system to carry out the work. There is no mechanism in our body to carry the safety and at this stage, there starts an uncontrolled division of the cells. This uncontrolled division of the cell, once started cannot be controlled if the severe condition initiates.


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The uncontrolled cell division is called cancer. This is because of the various reasons. Certain physical and hormonal effects may cause the production of the cells in the body.


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Role of Mitosis

Cancer is a mitotic disorder which means that it is related to the cellular division of cells and if there is any error in the programming of the cells then the errored cell division will occur which is cancer. Exactly this is a true definition of cancer. Mitotic cell division transfers only the half number of chromosomes from the parent to the daughter cell and each of the cells has mixed qualities of both mother cells. Sometimes, this cell division faces some efforts that cause uncontrolled division and due to this, the cells start to collect on the various parts of the body.


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Types of Tumor

Tumor may be of two types. It may be Benign Tumor or may be Malignan Tumor. A benign tumor occurs when the uncontrolled cell division occurs in the body but the tumor does not spread to the other parts of the body. This is not considered to be a center and usually, there is no danger from it if it is not causing any hurdle in the path. But, the other type of most crucial. Malignan tumor is a kind of tumor that can spread to other parts of the body. It can spread to the other parts of the body and it can cause many hurdles in the paths of the body. It can destroy the other cells of the body. Moreover, the body's functions become too weak to support the whole body. The condition in which the cells of the body move to another place is known as Metastastasis.


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Cancer is a disease that is not easily curable because of its complexes. But there are two most famous methods to cure it.
  • Chemotherapy
It is a method in which certain chemicals are given to destroy the cancerous cell. But the chemicals kill the normal cells with the cancerous cells. Moreover, the patient feels too much paint when the chemicals are given to the body.


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  • Gene-therapy
It is the most resulted and safest method to cure cancer. In this method, the genes are entered in the infected part of the body and the cells are cured of cancer. But it is too expensive.

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  1. Habits to Promot Cancer
    There are some habits to promote cancer or increase its chances in the human body.
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Smoking
  • UV rays
  • Physical Inability
    The described measures are a cure for the cancer.
✅3. Is it important for a teacher or instructor to have communication skills? Why is it important and why not?

Student Engagement

Clear communications help to capture the attention of students. It helps to keep students involved and active in learning activities. Moreover, students can have a better experience in understanding advice and tasks set by their teachers. Strong communication skills also provide a better experience so that the students can learn the lessons effectively and understand them for a long time.

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Understanding Complex Concepts

A good communication skill also enables students to understand complex concepts effectively and easily. First of all, answer my question that the communication skills of a teacher are not strong how is it possible for a teacher to teach his students effectively and how is it possible that student could clear their concepts that they had not understood for good communication skills also enable a teacher to communicate the complex topics simply and easily that the student easily adopt the basic understanding of a particular topic.

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Help to build student-teacher relationships

From my point of view, a good relationship between a student and teacher is essential to understanding any topic in its most effective manner. As I have mentioned a teacher with good communication skills gains attraction from students the chances of a good relationship between student and teacher increases which enables both to understand their learning strategies effectively moreover the relationship between students and teacher leads to the success of students and so the communication skills have indirect relation with the success of a student.

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Active listening by the students

Good communication skill also enables students to listen to the teacher effectively a teacher with good communication skills is teaching the students effectively and they are actively listening to their teacher while on the other hand, a teacher with no communication skills is teaching and in the second case there will no active listening by the students from their teacher and there for the students will not able to learn any lesson effectively.

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Increase in nonverbal learning skills

When a teacher is effectively teaching his students with good communication skills, then there are a lot of chances that students are also learning from their teacher, not only the curriculum that the teacher is teaching but also the body language and the notions that the teacher is doing during teaching. Therefore with the m activities, students also learn to extract the color activities, especially the nonverbal skills by their teacher, which that teacher is presenting in front of students,nts and as we know that students adopt more what the teacher performs than what teacher says.


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Confidence building of a teacher

Good communication skills also enable a teacher to enhance his confidence in his classroom. A teacher with good communication skills can understand the problems of his students effectively, which leads to problem-solving metals between students and teacher, and the confidence in a teacher as a helper to the student also increases, which leads to an overall increase in the confidence of a teacher. Teachers experience a positive change in their personalities, which leads to the positive behavior of teachers not only with their students but with society.

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Feedback and assessment

Good communication skills of a teacher enable the students to give their feedback about the particular topic that they have learned. This leads to the coverage of areas of improvement and leads to enhanced student understanding and knowledge of a teacher to solve the problems of his students.

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Student Participation in the topic

Good communication skills enable students to participate in the learning topic. This leads to a large number of questions or confusions asked by the students to their teacher, which leads to effective learning and student participation in that particular topic and helps to enhance the understanding of students.

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Classroom Management

Communication skills also help to keep the order of glass positive and also remain helpful in resolving the complex of the students. Study never, good communication skills also lead to a good setting of a class, which generates a positive environment within the class.

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✅4.What experiences do you have when creating these online learning materials, and what obstacles do you face?

My Experience

I experienced many unique thanks during the makeup of this contest some of them are listed below.

Choice of International language instead of Native

I belong to Pakistan and my native language is Urdu but I recorded this video in the English language for some reasons the first reason was a Universal understanding for all who visited this blog because it is well known that most steam engines use the English language instead of their native and even if they do not use the English language they can understand it effectively so therefor I recorded this video in English language and the second benefit was that recording in an international language not only increased my confidence but also covered the area of my loopholes of communication skill as you cannot that my voice is trembling and there are certain stability issues in my voice this is because I use a nonnative language but it experienced me better.

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Research Methodology

I used a research methodology as you can see first of all I introduced the topic and then to understand the title of the topic I explained that stem cells guard cells and the filtrate system of our body then I introduced cancer and introduced how it is caused by mitotic cell division and after that I Gave all the possible reasons for this cancer and at last I give the most common reason that destroys cell and lead to the cancel inside human body and it also experience during the whole methodology.

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Understanding Ways to Research

The topic of cancer that I introduced to you is a part of my textbook but the textbook does not include the possible examples and understanding of the stem cells that I introduced in my topic for this purpose I used some online sources and it also gave me a unique experience to search something effectively from secondary sources on the internet and I collected enough knowledge and I hope that this methodology will lead me to understand my textbook in depth in future.

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Using technology

I used software to edit my video and it also gave me a unique experience because I am a student of Medical Science usually students of science are underwear from the use of Technology like computer software or the computer itself but during the making of this video I also experienced it and I added my video and I learned some additional settings of the software that I used to edit my videos.


Better Planning

I visited this contest about 2 days ago and I made up my mind to join it from that day I planned to record editing research methodology and using notes and the good thing was that I used a topic that could not only give knowledge to the visitors of this block but also myself and that could enhance my understanding in my that is the reason I used the topic cancer that is part of my textbook moreover I plant all the scenes of shooting the location of the shooting. I broke my video into smaller sections, and I tried my best to simplify every section. Overall, I used better planning as I think to convey this video message to all of you.


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The Hurdles I Faces

  • Re-shooting of Scenes
But I also faced many hurdles during the whole Activity. The first hurdle for me was remembering the lines or the subtitles that I was going to ask in the video. About 3 to 4 times, I forgot about the lines that I was going to ask, and the scene was reshot.
  • Using Language instead of Native
No doubt, using the English language gave me a unique experience but it also caused a lot of hurdles for me the first hurdle was that I was not recording my video smoothly because I was afraid of forgetting lines, and there I was thinking in my mind what I was going to ask but no worry I accept it.

I hope that has read this blog carefully. I would like to invite @afzalqamar, @humaidi and @amjadsharif.





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