Space Force review (Netflix original series) - Wasted potential...

May 29th was the date many had been waiting for. That was the day when the brand new Netflix original series Space Force was launched. It stars Steve Carell, and the series is created by him together with Greg Daniels, the mastermind behind The Office (also with Steve Carell), and also the man behind the recent Amazon series Upload.

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Space Force is a comedy series, and it probably got the idea from some crazy statement from Donald Trump about creating some sort of a Space Force. The idea is cool, and Netflix managed to get several famous actors onboard, meaning that you can also enjoy the company of John Malkovich, Noah Emmerich, Lisa Kudrow, Owen Daniels, and several others.

What is Space Force all about?

The first season of Space Force consist of 10 episodes, each lasting between 30-35 minutes. Steve Carell plays the character of General Mark R. Naird, a man who expected to become the new leader of the Air Force, but instead, he ends up getting the responsibility for the brand new Space Force.

The potential is big, the budget seems to have been big enough, but after watching the first episodes, I feel like I have been wasting my time. I normally enjoy the company of Steve Carell, but in Space Force, he doesn't manage to amuse me at all. It just feels stupid. The jokes don't work, the characters doesn't make me interested, and the story itself isn't entertaining enough in itself.

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Maybe it should have been very funny when he tries to make a monkey fix a spacecraft (in space), but it somehow just feels too stupid and as if they have pushed it too far.

There are still quite a lot of episodes I haven't seen in the first episode of Space Craft, but based on what I have seen so far, I don't think I will ever sit down to watch them. There is so much other stuff worth watching and streaming, and there is so much other stuff worth doing instead of watching TV, so I think I will say goodbye and auf wiedersehen to Steve Carell. The next time we will meet might be during the second season of The Morning Show (which is a fantastic Apple+ production with Steve Carell, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston). And guess what, in The Morning Show, he plays a serious role, and he does so utterly well.

My Space Force score...


Have you seen Space Force? I would love to hear your thoughts. Maybe you totally disagree with me, or maybe you feel completely the same? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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