Movies people love but I do NOT

in Netflix & Streaming4 years ago

Everyone has their own opinion about things in life and films are no exception. Every now and then I will be looking at a list of "best of (insert whatever here)" and come across an entry that just makes my eyes roll. These films that I am going to talk to now are basically lauded by everyone as being amazing and most of them were critical successes. Maybe I am just not cultured enough to "get it" but not only do I NOT think these are the "best of (insert whatever here)" but I feel as though they are boring.

The Breakfast Club


Considered one of the most iconic movies of the 80's, this entire film is about 5 teens who all have to spend an entire day in detention together. The film is mostly dialogue and very little in the way of action. There is a message in there about how people from different walks of life can find common ground if they are stuck together long enough, but for me this film is about a bunch of people whining for 90 minutes straight.

We've got all the high-school stereotypes in one place: The jock, the brainiac, the freak, the outcast tough guy, and the princess.

On a side note I have never understood why Molly Ringwald was ever considered a hottie. Her career crashed and burned less than a decade later and not even getting her boobies out for "B" movies was able to change this.

Before anyone asks, I didn't just watch this last week and can't appreciate it because it is dated. I was alive when it was released and was subjected to everyone ooohing and aaaahing over this film when it was still in theaters.

Do The Right Thing


This may have been Spike Lee's directorial debut, I'm not sure about that and I don't care enough to look it up. This is a film about racist stereotypes and how they are bad. It is also 90 minutes of mostly annoying dialogue that reaches its apex when a pizza place gets trashed and burned because the owner, who is an upstanding and caring member of the community screams the N word when he is faced with a bunch of annoying and shouting customers while he is trying to close his shop.

It is often listed as the number one movie of all of the 80's and when I read / hear that my eyes roll so far into my head that I can see what is behind me. I suffered through this movie once because I wanted to see what all the hooplah was about and found it difficult to make it through.

To attempt to be fair to the people who love this film, I saw it decades after it was released so perhaps time has taken its toll on this one.

The Wolf of Wall Street


Scorsese and DiCaprio frequently team up to go and make a bunch of money together and I gotta be honest, I don't really like any of the movies they have formed a tag team for. This one is based on a true story, which is something that I normally enjoy, especially if I wasn't already familiar with the story and in this case I wasn't. There are a couple of reasons why I don't like this movie but one of the main reasons is that I don't think that Leo was the correct casting choice for the role of Jordan Belfort. He is entirely too "kiddish" for such a dominant role and his constant shouting isn't awe inspiring, it is annoying.

While this film does have it's fun moments, they are also incredibly sexist but whatever, that is probably what things were like back in the 80's anyway.

The Hurt Locker


This movie was not boring but did it really deserve six Oscars including a Best Picture Oscar? There are a ton of war movies out there that are much better than this one and The Hurt Locker has the added "bonus" of being nausea-inducing with the free running camera style which is something I have always hated in films. There is a reason why we have those expensive tracks and dollies in most big-budget productions yet this one wins accolades for skipping it. For some, that is original way of shooting scenes, for me it hurt my eyes and gave me a headache.

The Revenant


Yes, DiCaprio gets to make the list twice and I really feel as though he won "Best Actor" simply because of his ties to Hollywood and because it was his turn. If you want to see a film that Leo really deserves accolades for go and watch Blood Diamond - he was perfect in that role and was a believable con-man / smuggler but he is NOT a believable tough guy, which is what he plays in The Revenant.

The film is also too long and other than the part where the bear mauls the crap out of him, a lot of it is very boring.

The poster says "Inspired by True Events!" but historians have scoffed at this claim all over the place since very very little of this film can actually be traced back to actual events. I think the only real events was that Hugh Glass (DiCaprio) was a real person and there were people in the Dakotas that were trappers at that particular point in time. The rest of the film is made up.

Most people I meet say they love this film but to me, you would have to pay me to get me to watch it again.

Do you have any films that it seems everyone loves but you disagree about? Do you disagree with my choices? I'd love to hear about it in the comments if that is the case!


I agree with a lot of what you have written here but I did kind of enjoy both Wolf and Hurt Locker. I can see what you mean about Leo not being a believable boss though. He's just too small to be intimidating.

There are a bunch of movies where Leo plays an adult or father and well, this just seems impractical for him as well. I feel the same way about Ralph Macchio in the Cobra Kai series.

Very interesting takes that I haven't thought about. I love the Hurt Locker, I understand the camerawork is slightly "nausea-inducing" but I do think its reminiscent of the time and content of the film. It is a sickening film and its all apart of it if you ask me.

I agree 1000% with the dicaprio comments. His best film imo is What's eating Gilbert Grape and in comparison, while he remains a fantastic actor, just not his best work in either film.

Breakfast club is very dated I agree but Do the right thing? very interesting, I think I'm slightly biased as I love Giancarlo Esposito and it is the start of a dynasty of "joints" in which I love looking back on and it's a very unique film for 1989 in the way its filmed and has inspired COUNTLESS FILMS FORWARD and is still quite relevant amidst the BLM movement prominence today.

I think Leo did actually get nominated for best supporting actor in Gilbert Grape but didn't win.

As for my opinions about all the films above it is just my opinion... we all find different things entertaining. I'm not trying to take away from the message in say Do the Right Thing, I just thought the film was boring.

I think the Hurt Locker was a pretty entertaining film but I too thought that it got too many Oscar nods. Not quite as absurd as Black Panther being nominated for best film though. I wouldn't say that I despise Breakfast Club but I have tried on multiple occasions to understand why that film is so highly regarded and I am yet to make it all the way through it.

Black Panther was a good film for what it is: A superhero movie. As for being nominated for "Best Picture" I think the reasoning behind that was entirely political.

Haha :) I don't like any of the five movies you listed there. WEll, to be honest, I haven't seen all of them - but, if there is one movie I really strongly dislike, it is The Revenant. It was just boring, and it was so much about revenge and anger, that I felt depressed watching it all! A big disaster to me. But, I guess they felt as if they really had to give Di Caprio an Oscar (after so many occasions on which he didn't win one), so they decided to give it for this movie...

Yeah, I don't even remember what else was nominated the year Revenant came out but it must not have been very strong competition.

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