TV Diary: 29/11/2021 || 'The Great' Season 2!

Mistry's TV Diary | 26th of November 2021

Hey guys!

I watched Season 2 of The Great recently, took 24 hours to process it and then re-watched it before I could bring myself to post about it. Before I get to my review, just for context, The Great is a historical comedy-drama on Hulu about Catherine the Great who marries the emperor of Russia and soon afterward realises that she would be a better leader so decides to lead a coup against him. Season 2 was just released on the 19th of November and you can watch the trailer here:

The Great Season 2 | Official Trailer | Hulu

Back to the review! Season 2 of The Great was FANTASTIC. During the first few episodes I was impressed but still convinced that Season 1 was much better because of how each time someone gave Catherine advice this season, she would nod and then do the complete opposite, which was somewhat frustrating to watch. However, as soon as I got to the last 3 episodes, everything changed: the romance between the two main characters became so much more intense and the character development fabulous. I didn't think The Great would ever quite get to this point because at the end of Season 1 it seemed like a pipe-dream, but here we are.

To summarise, Season 2 also receives a 10/10 rating though it perhaps deserves an 11 and Season 3 has a lot to live up to!


Thanks for reading,
Mistry x

P.S. If you watch The Great let me know what you thought down below!


Your advice writing is nice. Probably I'll watch.

Glad to have made an impact, let me know what you think!

never even heard of it. I'll probably have to give it a look since you recommend it so heavily. I'll have to pirate it though :)

Fair enough haha, I have to admit that I may or may not have pirated it too... Figured I would mention Hulu in my review to at least slightly make up for it though :)

on another note I feel as though the industry and their greed is all but insuring that people are going to return to piracy. When there was only a few players in the game the price was reasonable but now if someone pays for all the streaming services we are essentially back where we started with overpriced cable subscriptions.

Fully agree, when it was just Netflix, purchasing a subscription made sense but now with Hulu, Disney+, HBO, etc. all cornering the market on specific shows/genres it doesn't seem worth paying for each service just to watch 2-3 things on it.

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