Love, Death and Robots Vol. 3: Better than the second season, but inferior to the first season

The animation and anthology series par excellence is back: Love, Death and Robots, which brought with it 9 excellent chapters in terms of animation, from traditional, CGI and even Stop Motion, and although this season personally I consider it much better than the 2nd without any doubt, the first season, still remains the best of all, besides having a greater number of chapters, It is the season that contains the most iconic chapters of this series, but in general terms, Love, Death and Robots is a marvel of animation and how you can tell interesting and gripping stories in a short time, having some of these chapters so good stories that you are left wanting to see a little more. Although this series is full of self-conclusive chapters in this season they chose to continue in one chapter the story of the 3 robots that we saw in the first season, being this story (to date) the only one that has had continuation (as far as I know). I will talk a little about each chapter, which ones I liked the most and a little about their story:

Three Robots: Exit Strategies

Since it was seen in the trailer that the story of these 3 robots with very different personalities and design would return, I knew it would be in the first chapter of this season. In this chapter continued the story of these 3 robots in a desolate and destroyed planet earth, ie a post-apocalyptic world. These 3 friends are looking for, in addition to see if there is still life on the planet, they also seek to find out what happened to the humans and what led them to such a tragic and violent end, but always from a humorous point of view, even though we see corpses everywhere. The adventure of these 3 robots, as in the first season is quite funny, each one of them, due to their very different personalities, bring a lot of humor throughout the chapter, being able to get almost at the end an answer to whether humans could flee the planet Earth, thus conquering the planet Mars, but the end result, although they could colonize Mars, is not the expected result.

Bad Travelling

This is undoubtedly my favorite chapter, in it we are told the story of a ship that is being whipped by a huge crustacean which is killing the crew, which is why among all the members decide that one person should go to face this grotesque and deadly being. The captain of the ship is the one chosen to face it, but to his surprise, through the use of a corpse, this giant crustacean is able to communicate, and manages to make a deal with the captain, to be taken to an island, where the giant crustacean can devour and thus satisfy its hunger and the hunger of its small children with all the inhabitants of the island. At first we are given to understand that the captain is going to do that in order to save both his life and the lives of his companions, however, the captain's plan is not that and during this chapter, we will see a series of betrayals, revenge and tensions among the group of sailors, since none wants to die at the hands of this being and prefer to betray a lot of inhabitants of an island, except for the captain who wants to do the right thing and kill the creature. An exceptional chapter, with an incredible animation, that knows how to carry the story quite well, with a lot of tension and even terror because anything can happen on that ship and no one is really safe.

The very pulse of the machine

For me, this was the most confusing chapter, I really didn't understand very well what this chapter represented at a symbolic level. But in it, we are told the story of 2 explorer astronauts who are on one of the moons of a planet that I do not remember the name, but from one moment to another something happens on this moon and one of the astronauts dies, having to carry the other with the weight of his body to a safe place because it is running out of oxygen and the vehicle where they were traveling was destroyed. As time goes by, the surviving astronaut begins to hear voices from the body of her companion, so she thinks she is going crazy, however, these voices come from the moon itself which is really a machine with its own consciousness, which urges the astronaut to join her on a mental level or something like that, since she has no chance of surviving. And I didn't really understand this chapter very well, but at least on an artistic level it's quite nice and with an animation that reminded me of the Archer series.

Night of the mini death

I think this is one of the funniest chapters of this season. Parodying movies like "28 Days Later", "Day of the death", "Land of the living Dead" among others. Since it is simply a story, represented using the Stop Motion technique (or so I think), with models and small dolls, the spread of zombies in a city and later the whole world, until its inevitable total destruction by nuclear weapons. As I already mentioned, a very funny chapter due to the way all the events happen and how they are represented.


Kill Team Kill

This chapter, with a more traditional animation, is, after the zombies, the funniest in my opinion. In this story we are told how a group of military or mercenaries, I'm not entirely clear, are sent to meet with the rest of his team, however upon arriving at the meeting point they realize that all the remaining team has been annihilated in the most violent way possible, and upon arriving at that place they quickly discover that who annihilated them is Bear-Cyborg quite lethal and almost indestructible, which was created by the CIA as a defense product. The way this chapter handles humor despite all the dismemberment and death in it is quite good. It's a pretty graphic chapter, but one of the funniest since it's full of action almost from beginning to end. It's one of my favorites.


Undoubtedly this is the chapter that left me wanting to know more, it is the most intriguing of all because of the way it ends and how they present the plot and the events that could happen after the end. This story tells us that, far in the future, it is not known exactly how far, humans are already able to make interstellar travel, thus being able to interact with other space beings, and even trade. The protagonist of this story meets another human, a doctor who is studying the "Swarm", which is a group of beings, similar to insects that work very similar to ants, even having a "Queen", the protagonist's plan is to obtain offspring of these creatures to take them to planet Earth, and through the work done by these beings, to generate almost unlimited energy, but things are not going to happen as he wishes. The end of this chapter leaves you wanting more, very interesting and visually spectacular.

Mason´s Rats

Another of those chapters where the main axis is comedy, this chapter focuses on the farm of an elderly man who discovers that he has an invasion of rats in his barn, however, these rats are not normal, as these have evolved to such an extent that they are able to create their own weapons to defend themselves, In such a situation the old man hires a company in charge of eliminating vermin and buys a machine that in principle is special to eliminate rats, but quickly this weapon and technology is overcome by rats, so the old man has to buy something stronger and more lethal. And without further ado this is the story of this chapter, with a lot of humor and death of rats. Something that I found quite curious about this chapter is that when the old man sees all the destruction and death that has caused this machine to eliminate rats, he mentions that "This looks like a 4th world war", implying that in that universe the 3rd world war has already happened.

In Vaulted Halls Entombed

This chapter is one of my favorites of this season, but it is also one of the ones I was looking forward to see a little more. It begins with a group of soldiers following some Middle Eastern characters who have kidnapped some people, they enter a cave and are followed by the soldiers, however, upon entering the cave, they see that there are several corpses that by their appearance seem to have been consumed to the bone leaving only a little flesh on them. Quickly, the soldiers discover what caused these deaths and it turns out that they are some kind of metallic spiders or something like that, but the most striking thing about these insects besides their great quantity and aggressiveness, is that they have a human face on them, and from this point I could perceive that this chapter is highly inspired by Lovecraft and his stories, and this is something that is confirmed in its entirety since almost at the end of the chapter Cthulhu himself appears. A pretty good chapter, which knows how to carry the suspense, although the faces of the characters look a little weird, it's classic "Uncanny Valley", which can be seen so much in video games, robots and CGI products.


This chapter is the strangest of all, because basically I think I did not understand anything of what I saw, in this chapter there is not even a dialogue, but many strange images at times and situations that look like a play. The story begins with some soldiers who seem to be from the Middle Ages, which are walking in a forest, but one of these soldiers goes to a lake that is near there and finds a piece of gold, suddenly the other soldiers and people who are in the group are attracted by a cry of a woman who is completely covered with gold and jewels, each of the soldiers goes to the woman and gradually die product of their own weapons or because they are gradually drowning in the lake. It's a very strange situation, everything is very fantastic and magical, a bit scary, but striking, but also the way these characters move is very theatrical and exaggerated. The soldiers look like they're under a spell because of this "witch" covered in gold and jewels, it's really quite a weird chapter.


To be honest I found it disappointing except for the first one. Same if it comes to the other series. The robots visiting and discussing the end of the world/humankind are.

I really liked Jibaro. That was simply beautiful. I don't think we are going to be able to recapture the glory of season 1 no matter what they do. The shock and awe factor has already been used up.

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