Better Call Saul S5 Ep1-5 Short Reviews - A year long look back

in Netflix & Streaming3 years ago (edited)

Hey fellow TV bingers,

If you are like sooo many people and enjoy Vince Gilligan's breath-taking masterpiece 'Breaking Bad' and his spin-off 'Better Call Saul' based around the megalomaniacal and loquacious swindler Saul Goodman.

I know the show came out in 2015 but as Sixth and Final Season is set to come out in 2021 (depending on COVID restrictions and production being allowed), I thought I would share some of my short reviews for the first 5 episodes of Season 5 that came out in around this time last year (Feb 23rd).

If you enjoy these, I will send in my S5 Ep 6-10 reviews and even go back a few seasons to some of my favourites (Chicanery (S3), Lantern (S3), Five-O (S1, etc.) and even delve back into Breaking Bad as I mean, the show is near a flawless masterpiece. Thank you and Enjoy!

Better Call Saul: Magic Man (2020)
Season 5, Episode 1
Is the magic man Saul or Vince Gilligan
Warning: Semi-Spoilers


What an unreal start to season 5. Not just the standard unbelievable acting of Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo and Rhea (ofc Jonathan too). It was just spectacular filmography. Highlight was definitely Saul giving out phones with just beautifully made transitions and classic dialogue of Saul that I had missed for the last year and a half. Hard to give a 10 to something that isn't breaking bad like Ozymandias but seriously good episode and excited for what Lalo has in stall for the rest of what is looking to be the darkest season of BCS

ALSO, the Robert Forster cameo was emotional but beautiful and a fantastic send off for Ed

Rating: 9.3/10

Better Call Saul: 50% Off (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
Rollercoaster of emotions
Warning: Spoilers


Following a fantastic opening episode "Magic Man". 50% off was not as amazing, but definitely holds its own with an incredible opening sequence displaying the ramifications of Jimmy's actions in the first ep but in true Vince Gilligan style which was just epic where you can't help but laugh.

Mike's scene was incredibly emotional, letting out internal struggle and former stress get the better of him in a part of Mike you rarely see in BCS or BB. Nacho goes back to being as Lalo would say, A BADASSS and on the beat in incredible style. Saul, WOW. Saul being THE SAUL GOODMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW is a nostalgic sight to see as he dominates the courtroom, breaking the law to OWN THE LAW.

Also, last but definitely not least, the ENDING of the episode. Seeing Michael Mando and Bob Odenkirk in the same shot for the first time in around 4 years made me jump out of my seat and creates ever long hype for EP 3.

Guess Vince only knows what havoc is coming next week

Rating: 9.2/10

Better Call Saul: The Guy for This (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
As tasty as a scoop of ice-cream
Warning: Spoilers


OHHHH it just keeps getting better and better. From start to finish, this is as good as Chicanery. The beautiful soundtrack by David Porter that accompanies the ants as they eat Saul's ice-cream is gorgeous cinematography and just symbolises that even after everything is going sweet for Saul, its very bitter sweet and has to literally drop everything for Nacho and the cartel. Lalo getting better as every episode goes and seems to be to smart for Fring and Nacho at this point and obviously Michael Mando was brilliant in the crossfire of not just his father but Fring as well.

Definitely the best acting performance I have seen from Rhea Seehorn as she deals with Mr Acker and taps into a darker side of her as she struggles to deal with her own decisions. Mike dealing with the repercussions of last episode as he goes back to old habits and does some classic mike bad-assery.

Yes I have gone over 300 words and havent said it yet. THE THIRD GREATEST Breaking Bad DUO IS BACK (obvs walt and jessie and skinny pete and badger are superior) but yes, Hank and Steve are back and are just......spectacular. Classic comedic remarks from both and to see Gomie, Hank, Krazy 8 and Saul all in the same shot just made me sooooo happy.

I dont know how it gets better and more succinct than this EP but Vince always brings the magic

Rating: 9.75/10

Better Call Saul: Namaste (2020)
Season 5, Episode 4
Least impactful of the season but still great
Warning: Spoilers


After last episode "The guy for this", it's gonna be very difficult to follow up with something incredible. I assume Vince knew this and went with a much more chill and classic BCS episode format that never seems to fail.

Great intro with the bowling balls which foreshadows Saul's eventual actions against Howard Hamlin's motivation of getting Jimmy back at HHM. Nice montage sequences all through the episode shown through as Lyle and Fring's trap juxtapose very nicely as they both want perfection in their actions, CLASSIC FRING FROM BB. Kim is really gaining traction this season and is actually feels like its building towards something HUGE that leads to Kim never mentioned in BB.

I can't give this ep higher than an 8 as Namaste is without Ignacio and Lalo but Mike was incredible, great symbolism having him walking back in the same neighbourhood with the hoodlums as it displays either he truly is after the trouble, he wants the danger back in his life or he wanted to be hurt for his actions against Kaylee and Stacey. Anyway, good cliff hanger ending to see where Mike goes from here and v excited to see Mesa Verde (Kim) V Acker (Goodman)

Rating 8.2/10

Better Call Saul: Dedicado a Max (2020)
Season 5, Episode 5
It all goes full circle
Warning: Spoilers


Great episode. Very cohesive and holds up very nicely to set up the next ep. While the lack of nacho and lalo again made me sad, the Acker story is taking new ground with Saul as his attorney allowing him to pull his classic stunts. It also gives light to his "assortment of guys who know guys" that just do things for him and help him get his way which is very funny to watch and seeing Kim doing this is clearly a site to behold and I can't wait how a wexler v Goodman trial turns out

Mikes portion of this ep is slow and very similar to when the Hound in GOT got chopped down and then became a lumberjack as he recovered. Anywho, always good to see Jonathan Banks and Giancarlo Esposito in the same scene setting up for a BIG next ep and obviously the small area with Frings doctor from BB dedicated to Max his associate is just perfect linking to BB that clearly Vince had planned for years. Just legendary really

Rating: 8.4/10

Hope you enjoyed some brief thoughts on one of my favourite TV shows set to come back this year in its FINALE, will upload the other 5 reviews soon.


Cannot wait for this show to come back, ended up liking it more than Breaking Bad somehow. Great episodes in the reviews, been so long since seeing the show I completely forgot that Hank had showed up, need to re-watch these again sometime.

Ye its crazy to think these episodes came out a year ago. I think Breaking Bad as the primary story is far greater but the dialogue, editing, costuming, production of BCS is kicked up a notch. Vince Gilligan tries bold and adventurous shots that are reminiscent of past great directors (Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Ford Cappola). Dean Norris and Steven Michael Quezada (Hank and Gomie) looked like they'd never even left the show. No ring rust at all and had that effortless chemistry between each other from BB. Also when they meet Saul for the first time and they are all in the same room, it is a real fly on the wall moment that was perfect. Also as much as I think S5 E1-5 are great, E6-10 are amazing and I will do some reviews for them soon.

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