Famine a hunger game

in CCC2 years ago

Do you remember the first time you received your pocket money or your first salary? Do you remember how it felt and how you thought about what you could buy with it? I remember it, and I also remember how someone else already decided what to do with my money, and when I bought what I decided to buy with my salary, the result was a terrible fight.

For many, work becomes drudgery, especially if you always do the same job, but when it's payday, most people celebrate or breathe a sigh of relief because there is some financial leeway again, the bills can be paid or the groceries can be done. Often the month is just a week too long to get by on what you earn and it doesn't matter if you get a little or a lot more. If you earn more, you have to pay more tax and in addition, you quickly buy more expensive products just because you can, because then you don't come home empty-handed. We tell ourselves that we can do it once in a while even if we can't afford it.

I feel that poverty is being maintained on purpose.
The hungry work harder and are prepared to do dirty and badly paid work; those who have a full stomach and a few kilos more are wiser and thank you for this. Those who are better off financially are on average also better educated and can make more demands than those who have no money. Employers know that and so do multinationals. These are definitely not the best employers. Multinationals benefit when people are hungry and have a hard time. The more difficult the better, because how else do you get workers who are crazy enough to do work that affects their health for an amount of money for which the average child cannot even buy a sandwich? The exploiters have played it smart. The media and so-called specialists distort the truth. They claim that poorly paid work causes poverty. They do not say a word about the misdeeds of the government, the multinationals that line their pockets and together with governments prefer to see the people go hungry rather than take measures to make it possible to eat decently and healthily.

Those who suffer from hunger are hard workers and are prepared to do anything for a few pennies. Cents that they hope will one day become dollars and who knows, maybe those dollars will one day make the billionaire because, as the employer claims, he too once started at the bottom of that ladder and has worked hard to become who he is today. Worked hard? By taking advantage of his fellow man who thinks he also has a chance of climbing up the ladder. In reality, the only thing a flourishing economy needs is a large group of slaves who do the dirty work, preferably without complaining.
No one with money is going to pull their own hair out of the shower drain, unclog the toilet or stand at the assembly line in the noise of their factory, binding newspapers and stacking them on pallets, and that is why no one will ever do anything about a famine. Famine is the way to get cheap labour and make lots of money and those who play it smart are even seen as benefactors.


At times I wish I knew what I know today. So many lies, generation after generation are raised with it and truly believe there isn't a secret agenda and win the fight even if we don't act and let it all happen. I still remember how I felt as I held the first money I owned in my hand. That feeling was the feeling of a rich man, someone who wouldn't let himself be a slave of a handful of lazy, wealthy people.

Contest: @wakeupkitty

Link: https://steemit.com/hive-166850/@wakeupkitty/contest-5-03-looking-back-look-forward-ccc

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 2 years ago 

I remember the money I earned for the first time and I was so happy. It was all thanks to my sacrifices, so many days of studying with whatever I could because I could never buy more than one book. I worked very hard to graduate and I did it thanks to the fact that I had some grants from agencies that gave benefits for good grades. Thanks to that I studied more and earned more money.

Thank you for joining our contest.


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