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RE: Mi entrada para el concurso mirando hacia atrás y mirando hacia adelante. Semana 4.14. Un delicioso y nutritivo fruto

in CCC3 years ago

I would try to buy that beach house too. Is it possible to live their the entire year? Lucky you with that advocado bush. 1 Steem for 1 kilogram? If they sell them here at all it's about 2-4 eoros for one piece.

Once we get older our taste changes. You made very colourful and tasty photos!

Enjoy your stay and the fruits.


Gracias amiga por su sugerencia, mi esposo esta haciendo las diligencias para comprarlas, seria bueno establecernos en un lugar como ese en la vejez, por lo tanto la tendríamos para todos los fines de semana es muy cercana a nuestra cuidad a una hora. Si disfruto mucho de ese ambiente ya que sabes vivo en una cuidad costera y amo el mar. Y por su puesto sabes que Venezuela tiene un clima envidiable porque siempre vivimos soleados aunque a veces el calor agobie para eso tenemos esta opción muchas playas y rios. Por otro lado ese fruto es económico aquí y muy consumido, se que en México es famoso por su guacamole, jajaja. Que costoso es allá.
Saludos amiga

Thanks friend for your suggestion, my husband is doing the diligences to buy them, this economic by the situation of the country, it would be good to settle down in a place like that in the old age, therefore we would have it for all the weekends it is very close to our city to an hour. I really enjoy that environment as you know I live in a coastal city and I love the sea. And of course you know that Venezuela has an enviable climate because we always live sunny although sometimes the heat overwhelms for that we have this option many beaches and rivers. On the other hand that fruit is cheap here and very consumed, I know that in Mexico it is famous for its guacamole, hahaha. How expensive it is there.
Greetings friend

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