C stands for... C19 trick

in CCC2 years ago

Do you remember the beginning of 2020?
The created plandemic and China was blamed just like the first people who had it. They were treated as pariahs. It always feels good to have a scapegoat. When someone else is to blame, no one looks at you. That is what Fauci must have thought, after all, he was and is the man who carried out and still carries out scary tests, and these tests include C19 and the modified monkey pox virus (which will soon be renamed because the masses no longer fall for this nonsense), which were carried out not only in Wuhan but also in more than 40 laboratories in Ukraine.

Let us face the truth for a change.
A truth that only cowards close their eyes to and that politicians and MSN pencil pushers ignore and distort because more money is made by spreading lies. But closing your eyes doesn't solve any problems.

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By now it is clear what is happening.
Of course, you are free to keep your blinkers on and shout that it is all because of drinking tea, the open air, gardening, sport fanatics and the warm weather that so many people die. Well, maybe you remember 1959 when the outside temperature was over 55°C or 1974? I do remember 1974 and the summers back then.
I remember how life went on as usual and how I walked the streets barefoot. We did not drink nearly as much as today and humanity survived.
The high temperature was normal, nature does not allow itself to be constrained so easily and does not do what is considered normal for the time of year to some people. Mother Nature does not keep models and diagrams like Fauci and associates do.

Fauci, the man who has made many mistakes but, like Biden, has been brought in to lead the people, even the world, through a pandemic.
Who still has some sense must find it strange that so many elderly people have been murdered while these old, dangerous, senile men are still alive. Who is pulling Biden's strings at the moment? Obama the puppet of Klaus or?

Anyone who knows human beings knows that the masses have only a short term memory and do not anticipate what is to come.
What is coming is neither a killer virus nor an anti-abortion law. It is not about equality, gender neutrality or even CO2 emissions. As for the latter, the reality is that even if these CO2 emissions were zero in my country, the air would still not be clean. The dirty air from other countries comes to us just like the sand from the Sahara. In a country with overpopulation, the population creates pollution, trash. You can export it, but charging another country with it only moves the problem. If I leave my bag of garbage at the neighbour's door, it does not mean that I do not have any.

The Nazis and Nato are fighting hand in hand supported by mercenaries some of whom are rapists, murderers. When they are captured, they turn out to have a lot of money. Dollars, Euros you name it and also a lot of gold. Gold with price tags. The remaining population that hides in basements and tries to survive without food and water could use this money to rebuild their homes. Homes being shot to pieces by their own countrymen, or just to buy food or pay someone to take the bullets out of their foot.
This war in which many peoples are being forced into, and which populations have to pay for even though they are starving and soon will find a way to survive the Winter, is not what all the mess in the world is about.
C19 does not frighten the average person any more. We now know that the very first image from China of a dead man was a lie. Nobody dropped dead on the street because he had a dangerous virus called Co-vi-d19. If it comes to the corona virus we have known about the it for decades. The coronavirus should be one of the many viruses that cause the annual flu. Anyone who went to school,studied biology or read a paper should know that.
The war is just an other distraction from what is planned. Plan A, B or D.

Pfizer was forced to give access to the papers and what they say proves that everything said is not a conspiracy theory. Pfizer, like the other manufacturers, knew that their injections were harmful. Those injections are also not made quickly and within 3 months. Moderna, Pfizer and associates have been working on this for a long time, as have a number of governments, including Canada (in 2019 the government already posted a vacancy on its site regarding C19 research).

Many have stopped washing their hands, disinfecting everything for a long time and people are doing fine without. Of course they do since if not they would have been drop within the first three months of 2020.
Groceries are also no longer disinfected. Online stores achieved a mega high turnover during the plandemic and lockdowns. They didn't go bankrupt just like the pharmacies and drugstores and... supermarkets (which don't just sell food only to keep people alive). Internet providers also performed well. More people were told to have access to the Internet and to give and save their personal data. The prices for internet increased while the internet and service dropped.

By now many of us have forgotten about their behaviour at in 2020.
The death wished addressed at the unvaxxed (the new scapegoats). Doctors, nurses are no heroes and even their failures and murders are forgotten.
Like Fauci, the fake specialists and the many ministers, none of them will ever stand trial. They have big villas and money abroad, an escape way out of the chaos they created.

When the people protest for justice, it's time to divert attention.
War is a good remedy and so are hunger, blackouts and cold. Those who worry about their daily bread will no longer be interested in Fauci, Pfizer's reports, the lying doctors and nurses who killed many people with injections and ventilators or the consequences of all those injections the recipient supposedly took for himself and another. That other who is still healthy and has nothing to worry about except being treated like a pariah and being blamed again.


The evidence is piling up.
More and more countries are issuing reports stating that they have lied. It's proven it is the vaccinated who spread the virus, fill the hospital beds and drops dead on the streets. We know now that injection fluid is not what Pfizer said it developed in the first place. It does alter DNA, sterilelizes people, induce abortions and kill babies. It paralysis, causes blindness, thrombosis, heart attacks, and bleeding from all organs. The list of side effects is getting longer and longer.
But the masses do not read reports, journals or think. Now she is allowed to go outside again and can travel, it is all no more than a bad memory, an event from a gray past.

That new world order will come, although I think it is the end of the western world.



you seem to have opinion



maybe you noticed too


we've been moving backward in time

feudalism is trendy again

 2 years ago 

Your C gives one a lot to think about.
Thank you for sharing it with the community. 👍

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