Lyric Poetry Contest Edition 50. Prompt: Storm/TORMENTA SINÓNIMO DE DESPECHO.

in CCC4 years ago





Llanto contenido anuncian gran tormenta en mi corazón,
Porque tú no estás, me falta tu amor,
Quisiera confundir mis lágrimas de dolor,
Con las gotas que están cayendo y entremezclarlas con el despecho de mi corazón.

Después de la tormenta queda un silencio y una terrible sensación
Que en cualquier instante, se precipitara otra vez de desilusión,
Cuando en la noche ya no te sienta y
me quede solo suspirando por tu cariño que se acabo.

Tormenta vuelve limpiando, llevando todo lo que quedo,
Al salir el sol muestro mi sonrisa, nadie sabrá lo que paso,
Hasta quedar sola y reaparezca la gran tormenta entre el dolor,
y aparezca el arcoíris que me anuncie que ya esta bueno,
Que la tormenta se desvaneció, así como mi dolor.



[Image design by @felixgarciap with]

One poem per participant in free format that contains the contest prompt is accepted.

Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, November 08, 2020.

Language: English / Spanish

Winner get 2 Share Hive SBI
Runner Up get 1 Share Hive SBI
I am pleased to invite my friends @simonjay, @vdux, @antoniarhuiz, @marybellrg, @charjaim, @inspiracion, @doctorlibro, @rosanita, @janettyanez, @javert68justice, @aremontilla, @lanzjoseg, @javiermontilla, @delvapin, @darkfemme, @josegilberto, @salvao, @zeleiracordero, @adncabrera, @hernan27 @lecumberre, @naylet, @mllg, @oacevedo, @isauris, @aurodivys, @maparari, @botefarm, @gaby-crb, @jadms , @aplausos, @evagavilan, @johannfrare, @issymarie, @yohanys, @ntowl, @owasco, @avellana, @wakeupkitty, @marblely, @olivia08, @cloudblade, @jakim7, @hljott @gingbabida @fredkese @mgaft1 @hashzone91 @gertu @joeyarnoldvn @cloudblade @myjob @nathyortiz @daysiselena @theresa16 @olivia08 @aaliyahholt @celinavisaez @dulce160 @jurich60 @wendyth16 @lanzjoseg @josyweed @botefarm @josyweed @botefarm @metzli @daysiselena @sarimanok @kgwork @redheadpei @wakeupkitty @wakeupkitty.pal @putu300 @victoriaxl @angelro @oscarina @yasny @mers @mariannis @robinsonr810 @sarimanok @diosarich @ahmanik47 @sacra97 @betzaelcorvo @malvyconejero @zhanavic69 @evagavilan @antoniarhuiz @yujomar @mllg @lisfabian @renataboreal, @giocondina, @kismar and @sincroniadivina, @amandaj @nelsonnils @issymarie2 @sarix, @naka05, @yolimarg, @elpastor.

I have to emphasize that from now on we can use the #ccc tag to promote the literary creations that we present for the contest, an exception has been made by them since their rules establish that the length of the contributions must have an extension of + 200 words or failing three original photographs. Also make a mention of them at the end of the article.

Hive Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Hivians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Hive Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content. Frequently Asked Questions.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and rehive.


Note: If you want your publication to be visible and recommended by @team-ccc take the freedom to include them.

This is an invitation to join #ccc. The CCC community supports members by encouraging and voting for each other and organizing contests. The contests were organized by @ team-ccc and its members. Visit @team-ccc for current contests.

Join the members who participate in the #ccc contests!

Monday Contest: "What does CCC mean to you" by @team-ccc.

Wednesday Contest: What does it mean to you today? by @freedomshif.

Friday Contest: What do I do with ...?. By @gertu

Saturday Contest: "Looking Back / Looking Forward". By @wakeupkitty.

Sunday contest: take a photo and comment. By @olivia08.

Sunday contest every 15 days: lyrical poetry. By @felixgarciap.

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