in CCC3 years ago

I am at a point in my life where I really want to prove to myself that I can be more than I have been and to achieve for myself the life I desire.

I look forward to a time when I will be more comfortable in my skin. I absolutely love myself, don’t get me wrong but I want to be more confident and not be afraid to take up space. I want to be become more vocal as relates to my boundaries and be assertive in a way that points across the message respectfully. I want to speak exactly what I mean and I want my whole self to depict that.

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Therefore I look forward to that time when I will be this lady. I know that takes effort but I also do not discount the fact that more experience helps you learn how to apply what you are trying to learn.

Just like everybody else our main goal is to be happy and content with what happens to us and what we can control. Truthfully, I would not lie that I don’t love material things but I want to appreciate life and be inspired by it by non-material things. I want to appreciate the material things but I want my deepest appreciation to come from things like appreciating nature, being kind to other people, smiling even at strangers, spirituality and all other intangible things that are valuable that I normally miss during the process of striving to dream and work for the life I want.

Therefore I look forward to that day when material things are wholly appreciated for the purpose they play in my life but not being the center of my life. This can be hard if you are just working your way up in life because some of the aspirations one may have maybe material things and there is nothing wrong with that. However one has to be careful that those things do not rule their life as the true meaning of life comes from things like love, family, personal development among others.

Haha I also look forward to definitely enjoying the life I have always dreamed about because I don’t how but I know it is going to happen for me. I am absolutely living some of the prayers I prayed for and I am grateful and I am definitely looking forward to the day I tick off some of the things in my vision book and I am grateful that I have ticked off a few.

Some of the things I hope for are that there is more peace in the world as no development can go on with war happening be it physical or in other ways. My hope is that COVID can leave the world one day because much as one can get vaccinated they can still get it. I hope one day we move around without having to worry about masks. Some habits should stick around though like washing hands often as they are beneficial.

Those are some of the things I look forward to. Thank you for reading.


Saludos amigo
De cuerdo contigo, las cosas materiales son necesarias, pero nuestra felicidad radica en e star en paz con nuestro ser y amar a nuestra familia, desarrollarnos espiritualmente para tener una calidad de vida

Absolutely!!!! Greetings to you to. Thank you for taking the time to read.

The good news is Covid is no ofgicial news,not in the medical world.
Another positive thing is more and more countries notice vaccination does the opposite and the WHO just adviced to use the medication available. Medication that worked for Trump and many others but family doctors were not allowed to give.

The coronavirus is with us since hundred of yearsband just like other viruses we have to live with it.

Oh okay. That is positive I guess…

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Alright. Thank you.

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