CONTEST: What do you do with...?Week 3.48 - Seeds

in CCC3 years ago (edited)

The topic of this week is… “What do you do with your seeds?"so

I will start writing about this interesting topic.

Like a squirrel I collect seeds although where I live there are no hazelnuts and these therefore do not enter my collection.

Why do I collect seeds?

First of all: to sow, although since I do not have a field to do it, I only collect those that I can plant in my small garden on the balcony. From the past I can already see some beautiful fruits, from the seeds and I pamper them a lot!

I'll start with the most recent planting: papaya. A group of palantitas is just taking its first leaves. They are being born from some old seeds that we had saved waiting for spring and I see them beautiful! I water them daily with a spray bottle, yet several have already dried. We hope that at least a couple will make it through.

image.pngimage.pngPapaya seedlings and the seeds that gave rise to them.

It occurs to me that the drying of the seedlings so quickly may be associated with the time that the seeds take and a loss of their properties. If someone has information they respected, I would be very grateful if you leave it in the comments.


Lemon Tree

This small plant, future lemon tree, was also born from a seed sown at home, from some juicy lemons that we use for juice. Those lemons bring very few seeds, but we were lucky that the one that gave rise to this little tree germinated.

Product of the direct sowing of seeds, I also have in my little garden (on the balcony), some basil plants and two groups of red pepper or cayenne pepper seedlings.


Basils plants


Cayenne pepper or small red chili peppers

The darling of the collection is an avocado tree, it has already withstood two winters. It is really very difficult to get an avocado seed bought in Catalonia to germinate, I suppose because of the variety of the fruit and perhaps the way to preserve the young fruits to keep them as long as possible in good condition for consumption and sale. I say this because in Caracas, they germinate quite easily. Here of each avocado that we eat we save the seed and in almost two years only one germinated.


Avocado tree.
image.pngAvocado seeds

I also use some seeds to eat, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Toasts and savory are good entertainment while watching a football game or an episode of a television series. And aren't the so-called dried fruits seeds: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts? I love them. And they are very healthy because they contain essential oils to nourish the brain.

image.pngSeeds pumpkin

I use the seeds of milkweed for omelettes, soups and salads. The sesame seeds to garnish some breads, giving it a crunchy touch and also for making tea, for medicinal purposes.

In closing, a short message: Let's value the seeds! They contain life!


♦ This is my entry for CONTEST: What do you do with...? Week 3.48, of @gertu. To participate, open the link (

♦ For the text in English I used the Google translator.

♦ The photographs are my own and they were taken with my cell phone. Paragraph separators are my design and property and can be used in other posts.

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image.png image.png


Una hermosa participación mi querida @mllg con alto valor cuidar nuestras plantas y esas semillas importantes.

 3 years ago 

I like your seeds and what you have planted. Your avocado plant looks nice. and I love basil.
It is my pleasure to have you back in my welcome contest.
Please be sure to follow all 10 of my contest rules to ensure a spot in the prize drawing, thanks.

Thank you I will review the 10 points.

Es muy especial ver crecer algo que siembras... me encanta.

Es emocionante!
A mí me encanta

Great you do this on your balcony and youneven have fruits from it. In a way I long back to my first flat. It was a big one with good sunny balcony. I sat on it more frequently than I can in my garden. Plants did it great there.

My balcony is small, but it is the territory of the plants, which in winter we keep inside, in the living room.
Thanks for your visit

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