in CCC3 years ago

Mirando atras en estos ultimos tiempos puedo ver mucha introspección, poco movimiento pero muchos cambios internos, muchas dudas e incertidumbre ajustes a tiempos cambiantes, muchas personas partiendo de lugar y de dimensión. La nueva realidad no es una utopía la tenemos ante nuestros ojos, y no solo hablo del virus sino de toda la tecnología que lantente ha estado y sale a la superficie para todos incluso aquellos que no tenian planeado usarla, el futuro es hoy, que diferente es la vida en este milenio aún naciente.


Hacia adelante estan metas, incognitas, adaptación, mucho temple y sobre todo nuevas formas de comunicarnos y expresar nuestro sentir,la internet y la blockchain brindan la oportunidad de cambiar y poder dejar huella en esta nueva manera de interactuar.

La esperanza es lo que nos mantiene andando y las metas nos brindan un objetivo sobre elcual planificar, dentro de la plataforma hay un mundo dentro dde si misma, con muchas comunidades y experiencias. Espero poder compartir más con ustedes amigos de la comunidad de #CCC


Partcipo en el concurso CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 4.31" si quieres conocer máshaz click en el link!!



Looking back in these last times I can see a lot of introspection, little movement but many internal changes, many doubts and uncertainty adjusting to changing times, many people moving from place to place and dimension. The new reality is not a utopia we have it before our eyes, and I am not only talking about the virus but all the technology that has been there and is coming to the surface for all even those who had not planned to use it, the future is today, how different is life in this millennium still nascent.


Forward are goals, unknowns, adaptation, a lot of mettle and above all new ways of communicating and expressing our feelings, the internet and the blockchain provide the opportunity to change and to leave a mark in this new way of interacting.

Hope is what keeps us going and goals give us an objective to plan on, within the platform there is a world within itself, with many communities and experiences. I look forward to sharing more with you friends in the #CCC community.


I'm participating in the [CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 4.31"] contest (https://steemit.com/hive-166850/@wakeupkitty/contest-4-31-looking-back-look-forward-ccc) if you want to learn more click the link!!!

firma blog.png

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It depends on where you live and how aware you are -or how hard you think to need all that technology- how fast your life changes.
Instead of forward I did steps back.

No telly, no radio, no microwave, no dishwasher, no dryer, no fridge, no computer, no photocamera all these things once normal I no longer care for. I wonder what's next.


Every situation makes us learn something about us and depends on where you come from to decide what to do with that

In a way it depends on where we come from but also how we are and how all this high tech affects us. I can do without the luxury, try not to depend on electricity and to avoid radiation as much as pissible.

That is a good way to live, more comfortable with yourself not depending on technology

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Definitivamente la vida es una constante transformación y en aumento tal cual empieza una célula en dos luego dos en cuatro luego mil en mil más, así nos vamos expandiendo. Definitely life is a constant transformation and raising as when a cell become two and then two become four and a thousand in another thousand, this way we expand!

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