CONTEST Looking Back/Forward - 5.12

in CCC2 years ago
The feeling that you just need one thing or item in other to be better or in other to perform better in a race is so naïve. As children we thought maybe if we had this or that just like our colleagues do we will be much better, we would be happy as they are. Knowing very little of whether they are actually with what they had we wanted it same, but they also kept pushing for more of what they did not have.

It was a cycle of wanting what you did not have thinking it will make you happy as whom had it, we thought it would be playing doll, then a cool toy car, a soccer ball, a new sneakers, a bicycle, video game. The list kept on and on, they was always more to ask for, more we thought we did not have, more we wanted and much we had already.

And those who knew better warned us of not being content with what we had, but little was that knowledge or advice was of any use as at then. We only wanted more and cared less. And they provided as they could, saying little of what is to come of us one day.

All we needed was…. We had no idea what we needed, no idea of the ideal thing to make us happy. And so we still search of that one thing, will we find it? We asked among us, how would it be to achieve it? We wondered, and when will it be? We looked into the skies as we saw those who knew better also did.


It has been a lovely contest to participate in, thanks to @wakeupkitty @hive-1234 and the community CCC. The contest link is given below;
Contest 5.16: Looking back Look forward.

 2 years ago 

The human being, being nonconformist, always seeks to have more, believing that happiness lies there.
Sometimes happiness is right in front of us and we don't realize it until it is taken away from us.

To my opinion it is because we are forced by the rich ones. The goal is to get richer which means they want to sell and by no no longer produce quality products.

 2 years ago 

The main goal is always to sell more, the quality of the product is secondary.

It's true sadly enough and governments should forbid this especially now they all pretend as if individuals/the buyers are the ones who damage the earth.

 2 years ago 

Yes, very unfortunate.

Hi dear, welcome to CCC and my contest.

Looking back I believe it is the commercials, tv, radio that made us want all those items. They made it sound as if we are unworthy people if we didn't but the latest gag.

Now we all know it's not the case. The lockfowns proved it too. All those people forced to stay at home felt bored, complained about not meeting family and friends but before those lockdowns they already didn't. Generations raised by tv, media and taught how to think, what to buy and believe to fit in.

Still, I do believe there are still people, adults and children who don't care about what they want to sell us, the A brands, the latest video game or gag.

Let's hope people will change and connect before they are forced too.

I wish you a great weekend and hope to read you again.🍀♥️

Thank you too for considering my post, it is an honor.

Good luck and a creative week to you. 🍀♥️

 2 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest!

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