My entry to: Contest- Looking Back Looking Ahead 5.01- Simply difficulties

in CCC2 years ago

What would life be without the shocks, anxieties, problems or difficulties that arise from day to day. I don't think there is a person who says that he never has difficulties and that every day is boring because nothing happens to him.


Well, I can infer that only to people who live under parental guardianship and only eat and sleep. Even here difficult situations such as indigestion or insomnia can occur, which are also difficulties.

But being more universal, thousands of things happen to all of us one after the other, some things more difficult than others. Life gives no respite, always one step ahead for the next stumble. It happens more easily to some people than to others.

And there are also people with small circumstances that in their way of seeing things magnify them and in the eyes of others are small situations misguided.

What I want to make clear today is that if we let ourselves be carried away by our desperation nothing can be solved. We know that we are our own main saboteurs. We feed ourselves with the negativity of if this situation happens or if that situation happens. And with these thoughts we only torment ourselves and our mind is clouded to find solutions.

Personally I believe that everything has a solution as long as we stay alive. That the problem can come and affect us in the way we give it a quick entrance or exit. I am not one to keep myself in mental confinement with the problem but one that tries to solve it as quickly as possible because I know that the next difficulty will come quickly and if I do not fight to get rid of what is already there now, the next will be heavier to bear.

So I maintain my opinion that every problem is the size of the importance we give it. There are very conflictive people who prefer to live in the role of martyr and then say why me and encapsulate their problem. Following the same dilemma will be their destiny.

We must not allow other people to keep control of our life. We must be capable enough to take our own tools and fight to improve our life. Inconveniences are solved by talking and from there we learn and move to the next level. Then life gives us new levels of confrontations to continue evolving and take in our favor what we need and discard what does not serve us to evolve.

A very common phrase in my country says that difficulties are the size of the value you give them. I share this idea. While we look for the solution to the difficulties, let's not get involved in negativity because that hinders the solution. Let us be positive minded and clear thinking. What we have is what we have, facing it is the solution, the mechanisms to solve are the learned tools, apply them according to our logical thinking and wait for them to be solved.

If the difficulties are far from our reach, free your mind. You did everything necessary and now the problem is on another level and just trust that life always makes its way and seeks to act in our favor if we are prepared for it. And if not then we must learn it. The hard way, but we must learn that life goes on and does not stop because we have good or bad thoughts.

Nothing is as important as keeping ourselves alive and healthy the rest in a complement in life.


This is my entry to the @Wakeupkitty contest which is weekly. If you are interested in participating you can read the information here

I am @gertu from venezuela to the world.



I don't believe there's a solution to every problem but I do know many problems solves themselves and will fade away if we search for a solution or help.

Good topic. 🍀💖

 2 years ago 

I agree. Best regards. Thank you.

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