Contest #CCC #2.40. Looking back and looking forward. / Concurso #CCC 2.40. Mirando hacia atrás y mirando hacia adelante.

in CCC5 years ago

Did I ever feel cheated? or have I ever been ripped off? I really don't know the difference when it comes to feeling. Feeling ripped off or being ripped off really makes me very angry.


I don't understand how people can steal or cheat or swindle another without feeling guilt. Without thinking about the damage they can cause to other people and they don't think about the damage they do to themselves with that act of stealing.

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, one meaning of defrauding is: Committing any of the crimes that are characterized by profit as an end and deception or abuse of trust as a means.

This is what mostly happens to me. They rip me off of the trust that I can have with someone or some page.

Just because a person is the representative on some important internet marketing page, that does not mean that we should believe that person is honest in its entirety.

They ripped me off several times, many times, on a page known in Venezuela as "MercadoLibre". The people who have these professional con artists standing up for them on a page, do not accept when the client informs them that they were conned by someone. They don't give the customer the benefit of the doubt. Immediately when you make a claim, you are blacklisted. Because you are damaging the reputation of the page.

They do not understand that these people who cheat are more their affiliates, than the buyers. I got tired of saying that I was robbed many times. They never did anything. Their protocols did not help me. They benefit the scammer. I never bought on that page again. I think a lot of people stopped buying from them because of their disbelief policies. Year after year I heard many friends say the same about these people. They lost a lot of clients, but I imagine they still retain many of those scammers as important members of their community. The important thing is the profit that is achieved.


A scamming person cannot be happy. Of course! ... only if that person is not sick ... Because there are sick people, who receive the pathological name of kleptomaniacs. They are people who constantly feel the urge to steal, to cheat.

Those kleptomaniacs are not to blame, since their impulse is due to a disorder in their body. But there is the person who steals just for their enjoyment. Feeling like you have stripped something of a person less psychologically prepared to face a scam. It makes a common scammer feel very elated.

There are people who, even if we don't want to, have a tendency to believe in the good will of others. And we are often scammed.

The last scam that I lived, was with my cat. hahahaha, if the cat that took over my house has swindling instincts. If the concept is well established, the cat abused my trust when I left the door of my living room open. While I went out for a few hours to buy some groceries, I left my son sleeping and while the door to my living room was open all the others were well closed.

When I returned from shopping I noticed that the bulk of cookies was very faded. When I touch the bag I realize that the cookies that someone bought from me, and were about to come looking for, are missing . The cat made me look really bad with a client. And it's not that he stole little. He stole a lot and I imagine he invited his band. Like "Top Cat and his gang".

But I didn't see it in fact. But he gave himself away. Four days passed without him entering the house. He stayed in the garden. So I presume that he knew that he did something wrong, to adopt that behavior.

I am constantly scammed. I don't know how to avoid trusting them. At first the behavior is very friendly and after committing the fact, everyone acts the same. They withdraw and leave your mind full of uncertainty.

This is a post for the weekly #CCC contest every Saturday and is hosted by @wakeupkitty in "Looking Back and Looking Forward."

Thank you for your comments and votes.

God always blesses us.

@gertu (2).png

Alguna vez me sentí estafada? o alguna vez me estafaron. En realidad no se la diferencia en cuanto a sentimiento se trate. El sentirme estafada o ser estafada en verdad me produce mucho enfado.

No entiendo como las personas pueden robar o estafar o timar, a otra sin sentir culpa. Sin pensar en el daño que pueden causar en otras personas y tampoco piensan en el daño que se hacen a sí mismos con ese acto de robar.

Según la Real Academia Española, un significado de estafar es: Cometer alguno de los delitos que se caracterizan por el lucro como fin y el engaño o abuso de confianza como medio.

Esto es lo que mayormente me ocurre. Me estafan jugando con la confianza que puedo tener a alguien o a alguna página.

Por el hecho que una persona sea el representante en alguna página importante de mercadeo en internet, eso no quiere decir que debamos creer que esa persona, sea honesta en su totalidad.

Me timaron varias veces, muchas veces, en una página conocida en Venezuela como "Mercado libre". Las personas que tienen a estos timadores profesionales dando la cara por ellos en una página, no aceptan cuando el cliente les informa que fueron timados por alguien. No le dan el beneficio de la duda al cliente. Inmediatamente que haces un reclamo, te colocan en una lista negra. Estás dañando la reputación de la página.

No entienden que esas personas que estafan son más los que están dentro de sus afiliados, que en los compradores. Me cansé de decir que me robaron muchas veces. Nunca hicieron nada. Sus protocolos no me ayudaron. Benefician al timador. Ya nunca más compré en esa página. Creo que mucha gente dejó de comprarles por sus políticas de incredulidad. Año tras año escuché a muchos amigos decir lo mismo de esa gente. Perdieron a muchos clientes, pero me imagino que aun conservan a muchos de esos estafadores como miembros importantes de su comunidad. Lo importante es la ganancia que se logra.

No puede ser feliz una persona que estafa. Claro!... solo si esa persona no está enferma... Porque hay enfermos, que reciben el nombre patológico de cleptómanos. Son personas que constantemente sienten el impulso de robar, de estafar.

Esos cleptómanos no tienen culpa, ya que su impulso es debido a un trastorno en su organismo. Pero está la persona que roba solo para su disfrute. Sentir que despojó de algo a una persona menos preparada psicológicamente para encarar una estafa. Hace sentir muy eufórico a un estafador común.

Existen personas que aunque no queramos, tenemos tendencia a creer en la buena voluntad de los demás. Y con frecuencia somos estafados.

La última estafa que viví, fue con mi gato. jajajaja, si el gato que se apoderó de mi casa tiene instintos de estafador. Si el concepto está bien establecido, el gato abusó de mi confianza cuando deje la puerta de mi sala recostada. Mientras salí por unas horas a comprar provisiones. Deje a mi hijo acostado y la puerta de mi sala quedó recostada. Aunque todas las demás quedaron bien cerradas.
Cuando regrese de mis compras observé que el bulto de las galletas estaba muy desvanecido. Al tocar la bolsa me doy cuenta que faltan las galletas que alguien me compró y estaba por venir a buscar. El gato me hizo quedar muy mal con un cliente. Y no es que robó poco. Robó mucho y me imagino que invitó a su banda. Como "Don gato y su pandilla".

Pero no lo vi en el hecho. Pero él mismo se delató. Pasó 4 días sin entrar a casa. Se quedó en el jardín. Así que presumo que él supo que hizo algo malo, para adoptar esa conducta.

Soy estafada constantemente. No se como evitar confiar en ellos. Al principio la conducta es muy amigable y posterior a cometer el hecho todos actúan igual. Se retiran y dejan tu mente llena de incertidumbre.

Esta es una publicación para el concurso semanal de #CCC de todos los sábados y es alojado por @wakeupkitty en "Mirando para atrás y mirando hacia adelante."

Gracias por sus comentarios y votos.

Dios nos bendice siempre.

@gertu (4).png


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 5 years ago 

Thank you @wakeupkitty. @tipu

All right, @puncakbukit has upvoted and resteemed your post to thousand followers.. So many thanks to choose us as witness and curator.

 5 years ago 

Thank you @puncakbukit.

I had it for years too. A scammer knows which people are an easy victim. Those who are kind, attentive, willing to invest. The kind of people who do everything for free and not easily complain and those who can be manipulated. Manipulated because they are single, have children, animals, a caring profession or they think you need them or their service.

What you had with that site I experienced with patio. PayPal is for the seller, the crook too. If you want to complain they ask you to wait for an answer to the seller. The seller waits very long and next to your time to complain is over. Many sites never post your complain which means it looks as if they are great.

I changed. I do not trust people any longer. No one who earns a lot of money is honest. You can only get rich if you scam others. No matter if it is the customer or tax (is all taxpayers). I do not feel pity for people any longer. Why should I? I had a bad life, have a hard life and never drank, smoked, used drugs, stole or abused people. My generosity never paid back it gave me high debts, others their debts. I take care of me now, this is my responsibility. If I can make something out of my life other's can do so too. If not it's their problem, their life lesson.
Since I changed I hardly attract abusers and my old friends are gone 🙂 and my life increased.

Thank you for your entry.
You have number 1.
!tip Steem 0.1

Happy Sunday. 💕

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Thank you. You are welcome @gertu 💕

 5 years ago 

Thank you @trendotoken and @wakeupkitty.

 5 years ago 

Wow, this is a long and very rich comment.
I can't learn. I always trust. @wakeupkitty.

Try to think twice or do not decide at once if not needed. If you change the way people treat you change. 👍💕

🎁 Hi @gertu! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @wakeupkitty!

@wakeupkitty wrote lately about: The World Makes Insane? Feel free to follow @wakeupkitty if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

 5 years ago 

Muy bueno tu post nos cuentas detalles de este lugar de ventas, donde los controles han fallado y muchísimo. Yo lo he usado poco, pero no he tenido problemas, mis hijos revisaron varias veces los antecedentes, las respuestas de los otros compradores, muchos detalles a tener en cuenta para no ser víctima de una estafa, pero no te niego que he oído de muchos casos. Ese gatito ladrón de esos si he oído bastantes, teníamos uno que no se podía dejar nada de comida sobre la cocina, arrasaba con ella. Me encanta leerte @gertu

 5 years ago 

Gracias amiga @sacra97. Siempre tan amable. Es siempre bienvenida. Dios la bendiga.

 5 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest. Sorry to hear you are scammed and abused so much. Fight for your right. We gave you an upvote.

 5 years ago 

Ya no quiero más peleas. Creo que ya no voy a cambiar. Que sean felices los que estafan. Yo soy feliz estando en paz. Gracias por su voto. @team-ccc.

I don't want any more fighting. I think I'm not going to change anymore. Let those who cheat be happy. I am happy being in peace. Thanks for your vote.

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 5 years ago 

Pero el final de todas las cosas se ha acercado. Por lo tanto, sea sobrio y esté sobrio en las oraciones.(1 Pedro 4:7)

Pregunta de la biblia, ¿Es bíblico comulgar?

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But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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