Contest 4.23 Looking Back / Looking Forward #ccc. ♥♥ Concurso 4.23 Mirando Hacia atrás / Mirando Hacia delante #ccc.

in CCC3 years ago

Hello Steemians friends, I hope you are very well. This post is intended for my participation in this contest sponsored by @wakeupkitty.

A window to look into the past.

On many occasions it is said that we must leave the past behind. But there are stories that happened in that past that are great to relive through stories or anecdotes, at night before going to bed I ask my father to tell me adventures that he lived as a child and many of those stories are great and they are also short stories. That it would be almost impossible to live them again because everything has changed a lot; so imagine this, he has told me older stories that his grandparents and great-grandparents told him when he was a child. One of those stories tells how they left an island located in the Caribbean Sea, embarking on a boat trip to the mainland, but it was not in large ships like those in many stories. These were small boats where few people and a lot of merchandise traveled. They left before dawn and anyone who was not used to it was very scared because it seemed that the small boat would sink.


When they were on land they had to look for transportation, which was animal-guided wagons. It was a three or four day journey to reach their destination. In this part of the story I interrupted to ask why they were not looking for closer towns so that they would not have to travel that far. My father told me that he asked the same question.

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The answer was; that they were young and there were people or groups that had a whole life selling the same merchandise that they traded and they were not allowed to sell those merchandise in the towns that others already had, it was like a code of respect, each new group had to find its own market unless they inherited a good position.

On each trip they stayed longer, becoming part of the town and forming their own families. The most curious thing about these stories is that this phrase occurs "Looking back, looking forward." Because their children and even grandchildren became merchants and began to bring their own products to the land where their parents or grandparents came from.


Hola amigos Steemians, espero estén muy bien. Este post tiene como finalidad mi participación en este concurso auspiciado por @wakeupkitty.

Una Ventana para Mirar al Pasado.

En muchas ocasiones se dice que debemos dejar el pasado atrás. Pero hay historias que ocurrieron en ese pasado que son geniales revivirlas a través de cuentos o anécdotas, en las noches antes de acostarme le pido a mi padre que me cuente aventuras que él vivió de niño y muchas de esas historias son geniales además son breves relatos que serían casi imposibles volverlas a vivir porque todo ha cambiado muchísimo; entonces imaginen esto, me ha contado historias más antiguas que le contaron sus abuelos y bisabuelos cuando él estaba niño. Una de esas historia cuenta como ellos salían de una isla ubicada en el mar caribe, emprendiendo un viaje en barco hasta tierra firme, pero no era en barcos grandes como los de muchas historias. Estos eran barcos pequeños donde viajaban pocas personas y mucha mercancía. Salían antes del amanecer y cualquiera que no estuviese acostumbrado iba muy asustado porque parecía que la pequeña embarcación se hundiría.


Cuando estaban en tierra firme tenían que buscar transporte, el cual eran carretas guiadas por animales. Era un camino de tres o cuatro días para llegar a su destino. En esta parte de la historia interrumpí para preguntar por qué no buscaban pueblos más cercanos y así no tendrían que viajar tan lejos. Mi padre me comento que el hizo la misma pregunta.

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La respuesta fue; que ellos eran jóvenes y habían personas o grupos que tenían toda una vida vendiendo la misma mercancía que ellos comerciaban y no se permita que vendieran esas mercancías en los pueblos que ya otros tenían era como un código de respeto cada grupo nuevo tenía que encontrar su propio mercado a menos que heredaran un buen puesto.

En cada viaje se quedaban más tiempo pasando a ser parte del pueblo y formando sus propias familias. Lo más curioso de estas historias es que ocurre esta frase “Mirando hacia atrás, mirando hacia delante.” Porque sus hijos y hasta nietos se convirtieron en comerciantes y comenzaron a llevar sus propios productos a la tierra de dónde venían sus padres o abuelos.


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Thanks for visiting my blog... Ah! Don't forget to vote, reesteemear and comment.

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Steem 21-11-2021 4:40 PM

 3 years ago 

Welcome to CCC. Please, do not forget to leave your link underneath the contest.

Did your anchestors move to the new town they traded?

Hello @team-ccc, Thank you for the welcome…
Yes, contact between family members is currently being maintained.

Super bedtime stories your father told. It must be great to hear anecdotes about your anchestors better than always the same tales. Thanks joining my contest. 👍🍀💖

Hi @wakeupkitty, I'm glad you liked it. It is a pleasure.
Let's keep working and supporting each other to grow in Steemit.

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