CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 4.14 | 25th September 2021

in CCC3 years ago

Before i begin, i'll like to thank👏🏻 @wakeupkitty for making available the contes captioned "Looking Back/Look Forward 4.14", open to all steemians.
Here is the Link to this contest, for those willing to make an entry.

Looking Back And Look Forward

Many would say looking back is at a disadvantage, and it's filled with a lot of setbacks especially if you are on a path to healing from a painful experience you had, or advancing into a new and better lifestyle. With me, that is far from being true; Here's why👇🏻

Being honest, i am very far from where i am heading to, but i won't let that derail me from the path i chose. I draw all my inspirations from my experiences and mistakes in life as i move forward, so i always look back in order to strengthen my focus on looking forward.
I dream of a better loving world for my family. I get discouraged every single week of the month, but every time i look back at where i came from, it empowers my will to keep moving forward. Looking back on life's challenges and how i tackled it all gives me that assurance that nothing is unsolvable, there is a solution to every problem in life.
Looking backwards strengthens my focus like a boxer who trains for a championship match. He just knows deep in his guts that giving up along the way can never be an option.
Whenever a boxer, or anyone in a competitive race/competition reflects on the journey off the start point, up until present position, it builds up the courage to push further ahead to the finish.

A gamer for example is a very good example of some one whose focus is perfected.

Source(photo on left side)
Source(photo on right side)

To achieve my goals in life, i look forward as i draw experiences from my past experiences. I swiftly ride closer to my goals every passing moment, looking back occasionally just like the strategic move of a cyclist.
Looking back determines how close they are to achieving their goal, and their forward look is determined by their occasional analysis obtained from looking back. They stay in control, and as such, i will remain in control as i achieve my goals in life.

Looking back at the past brings out necessary zeal to keep focus on what lies ahead. Looking backwards energizes ones look forward

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