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RE: Steem-Rep Rep No. 1 - Mindmap 🇩🇪 / 🇬🇧

in Steem POD Team8 months ago (edited)

Dear Christiane,

I hope that turmoil of yours ends sooner rather than later.

because I consider you a kind of "godchild"

Maybe one day, in my real life too! Rather I think I have been becoming one. I am more grounded than I were a few years back. Some incidents in life make you this way! Im the end it's all about letting go amd follow the Gods plan. He is indeed the best planner. We only have to keep trying.

Erm... about the contests: I have a confession to make. I aim to maximize the use of the delegation power invested in me, without compromising my creativity. If you happen to read those posts, you will always find a touch of maan in each of them. (Of course I'm not a Pablo Picasso😎 in terms of innovation but I always try to write from heart). Only last night, I was telling my husband that I'm putting this much effort in each and every one of my posts because these are kind of diaries/archives for me. I'm going to cherish these in future.

I only participate in those contests where there is a margin of creativity for me. I don't know if you noticed or not, I never answer the questionnaire point by point or question by question.

I will never let go of my individuality; this is my promise to you, today and, always!!!

P.S: I also try to strategize with the genre of my posts. I cannot certainly come up with brilliant ideas to write every day. This would be unfair for my readers too (if there are any ), so I like to post my art ventures. I'm still at a beginner level in this area. But I have been always trying to do such things since my childhood. I love to create art :)

 8 months ago 

I'm putting this much effort in each and every one of my posts because these are kind of diaries/archives for me.

This is the best approach! If you can say from the bottom of your heart in a few days/weeks: "Yes, I like my own blog!", you've done everything right. You won't be able to please everyone with your blog anyway, there's no point in trying. I know you'll find your line and stick to it... :-))

I cannot certainly come up with brilliant ideas to write every day.

Who can do that? And who can write a good text every day (even without a good idea) if you're not a professional? Who can even write every day (write in such a way that it interests a reader) if they have a life besides the Internet?
Nah, nah, I'd much rather admit that to myself and take breaks (okay, okay, the breaks don't have to be as long as mine...). Posting every day just for the sake of posting only spoils the prices. Personally, I've already "unfollowed" various users because I had to scroll through (for me) uninteresting stuff in my feed every day. Well, my consistent habit of checking the feed every day seems to be antiquated by now. EVERYONE behaves differently here - and that's what makes the whole thing exciting and lively.

Personally, I've already "unfollowed" various users because I had to scroll through (for me) uninteresting stuff in my feed every day.

I would never want that 🙈
I hope it never happens:)

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