Week 8 feedback CR for South Africa

in Steem POD Team2 years ago

Week 8


I cannot believe that 8 weeks have gone past. Weeks in which I have not only learned a lot but weeks that I could also share my knowledge with my fellow Steemians. As they say, what is time between friends?

To all of you, a word of caution this week.
PLEASE look after your keys and DON'T click on any phishing links!
I have seen the tears of a big man this weekend. It could easily have been one of us!

The good news, the extreme electricity load shedding we have experienced in the last few weeks is now in stage 3 and not stage 6 anymore. This will make my work on Steemit so much easier.


My activities

Item: Description:
Club status:Club100
Power up:290 STEEM
Previous week Voting CSI Upvote15.9 ( 0.00 % self, 179 upvotes, 103 accounts, last 7d )
This week Voting CSI Upvote18.8 ( 0.00 % self, 214 upvotes, 109 accounts, last 7d
Posts:6 Posts in total
Contests:1 post (Steemkids)
General:1 post
Educational:1 post
Engagement challenge:3 post
MOD Steem for Betterlife:Ongoing

Due to the country experiencing power cuts I was not as active as MOD as usual.


My 3 vows

  1. Support of Steemians (new and old)
  2. Growth and development of Steem and Steemit
  3. Promote and support new projects and initiatives launched

1. Support of fellow Steemians

Currently, I have 39 Steemians on my schedule who I am helping. Four Steemians have shown a 100% improvement on their posts which I have removed from the list. I am super proud of each of these Steemians. It is only through their hard work that we will increase the quality of posts.

It is very rewarding seeing the overall improvement of posts from those Steemians I've been helping.

WhatsApp4 Steemians
Telegram0 Steemian
Post repliesplenty
Phone calls2

2. South Africa

After eight weeks I have not improved with marketing Steemit to South Africans. Unfortunately, the earnings of Steemit are below the average earnings in the town where I am staying which doesn't make it easy.

At this stage, it feels like I am more of a "world representative" than a country representative. However, I won't get discouraged and I won't give up!

3. World Smile Project

I am still waiting for the go-ahead of the @smilesouthafrica project.

WSP is currently giving priority to @smilenigeria

Let's Donate with World Smile Project to Support Phase 2 Solar PV Project in Nigeria

Come on Steemians! We rely on you to support this project.

Hashtags to be used: #solarsteem25pc or #solarsteem10pc


A highlight of the week


The highlight this week was South Africa celebrating National Heritage Day yesterday, 24 September.

It was with great pride that I could share a bit of South Africa, the rainbow nation with my fellow Steemians.
"Our daily bread"


See you next week!

25% to @smilenigeria


I am grateful to learn a lot through your guide lines. I hope to learn more about steemit in the future. And you give us enough time to support all steemians. Steemians like us can learn from the guide lines and make posts quality standards because you have honest thoughts.💕

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words.
It is star Steemians like you that makes it all worth it.
I’m so glad I could have helped you. Now it is time for you to help someone else 😊

 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your support....

For now we are using #solarsteem25pc hashtag..

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.12
JST 0.027
BTC 64951.20
ETH 3557.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.35