Last Report As Country Representative of IndonesiasteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem POD Team2 years ago

Last Report.png

First, I want to say thank you for the blessing given by the Steemit Team to me so that I was appointed as a Steem Representative, this is the highest appreciation for me while active on this platform since 2016 ago.

With the issuance of the Steem Representative announcement, I must continue to make new breakthroughs on the platform and exceed my previous responsibilities as a Country Representative.

To carry out my responsibilities as a Steem Representative, I have to be more active in interacting with all users across communities, across countries and encourage user growth through positive and constructive comments as I have done before.

I am aware of many weaknesses as a Country Representative for Indonesia and through my new role as a Steem Representative, I will continue to show dedication and professionalism in improving user growth for the better.

Criticism and suggestions for my growth and development are very welcome because only other users are able to see my shortcomings and I respond as much as possible, improving them to be better from time to time.

My Account Activity

In the last 7 days account activity shows the equal distribution of curation that I did and so did the previous week as Indonesia's Country Representative. I've worked to provide curation support to accounts in different communities and countries.

Besides that, I have also had positive interactions with users, I have provided input and suggestions for the content written. At that time, as the Country Representative of Indonesia, I only focused on commenting on posts on Steem For Betterlife Community, but now, going forward, I will change the support in the form of general input and suggestions on the platform's homepage.

The screenshot below shows account activity for the last 7 days.


From the picture it can be seen that the activities that I carry out can be reflected in the following CSI voting with a value of 18.5 ( 0.00 % self, 203 upvotes, 147 accounts, last 7d )

Steem Growth

Since being active again on this Platform in March 2021 until now, I have continued to release contests with various topics, the goal is that apart from encouraging user involvement, I strive to encourage the publication of content that is educational and has high value so it is interesting to read.

In the last 8 days, I released:

  1. Street Culinary Contest

During the contest, from 2021 to March 16, 2023, I issued a prize of 1,648.249 Steem and Steem Power. I continue to be committed to continuing this activity even though the amount of power-up for a lower personal account and the majority is allocated to the winner of the contest.

Data sources can be seen here

In the last seven days at the end of the Indonesian Steem Representative's term of office, I had a fairly heavy workload in the real world, I had to receive several guests from the State Financial Audit Agency and serve a visit from the Faculty of Medicine at Malikussaleh University regarding the Re-Accreditation of the Faculty of Medicine, Many documents were I have to complete it so that the role as contest organizer and admin of Steem For Betterlife Community.

I am aware of the responsibilities as CR and admin as well as the role as World Smile Project Int, but I have to dedicate myself as best as I can to face my main job so that there are no administrative and financial malfeasances.

Ideally today I have prepared and determined the winner of the contest, but because I left my main computer at my in-laws' house, I have to use a spare laptop to write and make this final report.

Hopefully the obstacles I face are understandable and in the near future I will complete my responsibilities as a contest organizer and a new assignment as a Steem Representative.

World Smile Project

The implementation and reporting responsibility of the World Smile Project is an important element to maintain the trust of donors, the current and operational achievements are closely related to the support of donors who regularly support the activities of the World Smile Project Int and WSP Migeria. For the latest cash flow statement, see the link below:

General Cash Book Update @worldsmile Charity Account
I also communicated with Smile Nigeria in this case ubongudofot regarding the Solar Steem program in Nigeria. "Integrity, loyalty and transparency in management are the assets in carrying out current responsibilities", that's what I always tell him.

Today I and the World Smile Project Int Team also visited community empowerment activities in the Sustainable Food program sector in Nisam District, along with related pictures



This is a short report about my activities as Indonesia's Country Representative and other responsibilities to encourage the publication of the platform widely and increase the electability of the community.

Indonesia, March 25, 2023
Country Representative of Indonesia


Selamat dan sukses atas terpilihnya bang @irawandedy sebagai perwakilan steem dari Indonesia, saya bersyukur atas semua pencapaian ini, semoga ke depannya semakin sukses lagi dalam membangun platform ini.

 last year 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya selama ini, apa yang terjadi hari ini tidak terlepas dari andil dan doa semua pihak, dan salah satunya dari bg @arispranata5

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