Team Millionaire Curation Guidelines for November 2022

in Steem POD Team2 years ago (edited)


Hello, dear friends.

As everyone knows, the millionaire team will continue in November with the task of curating the contests, this is a task that we have carried out with great joy and commitment, hoping that by supporting the contests the creation of varied and quality content will also be stimulated.

We thank the Steemit team for this new opportunity.

Our "Millionaire Team" is composed of the following members:

NameCountryClub statusDiscord ID
@disconnectSri Lankan#club100Offline Rat#8807

For this month we have refined the strategies and rules that we will use when performing the curation.

We hope that the creators of contests are attentive to these guidelines when designing the contests since these recommendations are intended for the contests to promote quality content, thus fulfilling what is expected of them by being selected by the team in the curation .

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  • Use the #contest tag only in the contest post. This tag should not be used by the participants, since it is through it that the contests are tracked.
  • Contest organizers should include a unique contest tag that is peculiar to their contests alone. This would enable contest entries to be well differentiated from others.

  • It is recommended not to ask for beneficiaries to be established as part of the contest rules.

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It is very important to make correct use of the tags, this will allow your publication to be visible and can be tracked and found.

Here are the tags to take into account:

  • #contest #challenge: These are the main tags group the publications that interest us. Therefore, we invite all users who create contests and challenges to include this tag in their articles.

  • #club100, #club75 and #club5050: These tags determine the club to which each user belongs. We invite everyone to use these labels appropriately. Likewise, we invite everyone to contribute by increasing the value of their SP so that everyone benefits.

  • #Steemexclusive: The use of this tag means that the article is exclusive to the Steemit ecosystem, and has not been published on any other platform, and it is a required tag in all articles.

  • #country: This tag is very important for our team to categorize posts at the end of the week when we will generate the final report, and it will also give us an idea of ​​the geography of the countries interested in this type of article.

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The Curation Plan

In the team we have organized ourselves in such a way that each day one of us will be carrying out the healing process. Here is our schedule:


We will be keeping an internal control of our curation task, each one of us will make a feedback and also select the best publication of his day. At the end of each week we will be presenting a report that shows our activity in a transparent way.

During the curation, after each upvote, the curator leaves a message indicating his step by putting the percentage awarded:

Message example:

Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @curator_username at 40%. Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote later.

  • Club membership and the burner of 25% of your winnings go into the curation percentage as follows:
Club Statuspercentagepercentage with burnsteem25
  • Users must avoid plagiarism and automatic voting and receive rewards through bots.

At the end of each week, we will present a report of our work, in which we include the most important observations and recommendations that we want users to follow to improve the quality of the content. Below, we announce the best contests organized during this period.

We hope that these guidelines will help and guide you when conducting your contests. We want more authors and communities to hold contests and to be able to support them.

Best regards,

Team Millionaire
@kouba01 #club100
@fredquantum #club75
@franyeligonzalez #club5050
@irawandedy #club100
@disconnect #club100
@nadiaturrina #club100
@inspiracion #club5050

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 2 years ago 

Thanks for writing the guideline for Team Millionaire. It would go a long way to educate the general Steem populace on how the team would operate in November. This would enable them to do the right thing and position themselves to get rewarded from SC03. Great work, @inspiracion.

 2 years ago 

Hi friend, yes it is, the idea is to serve as a guide. Thank you very much friend, greetings and blessings.

 2 years ago 

Hola querida amiga, muy buenas directrices, creo que hemos dejado claro varios puntos, esperamos que este mes sea mucho mejor. Tenemos un gran equipo, todos daremos lo mejor para seguir apoyando a nuestros usuarios y comunidades.


 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, así es, estaremos dando lo mejor en nuestro aquipo para seguir apoyando a los usuarios y comunidades. Saludos y bendiciones para ti 😊🌸

Me encanta este equipo, son mis favoritos jajaja me encanta ver a ratoncito acá pues quien cómo él para saber de concursos y a Fran, inspiración, Kouba a quien admiró mucho. Les deseo lo mejor siempre♥️

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, muchas gracias por tus palabras y buenos deseos, esperamos seguir apoyando y dando lo mejor de nosotros.

Good and detailed explanation. We are committed to give our best.

 2 years ago 

Hi friend, yes, we will be giving our best. Greetings and blessings 🤗🌸

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