Weekly Curation Report by Team Millionaire -Week 2

in Steem POD Team2 years ago (edited)



Greetings dear Steemians. Today we are pleased to present our second curation report.

The whole team feels very good about this second week of work as the final rules for our curation work have been established. At the beginning we were a bit confused and had a few hiccups, but today everyone has done a great job.

This week we are supporting a lot of contest winners, this is a little visible topic and we are glad to help and support the entries made by the participants. There were also many contests that we were able to support, we think that the creation of good contests within steemit has been encouraged much more.

We have tried to keep the account much more active, as we cannot let it rest 100% for a long time, we know that. Fortunately we have expanded the content and our curation work has been able to cover much more space within the platform.

We are still grateful for this opportunity and trying to do the best job we can to keep helping as many users within steemit as possible.


Now we show you our statistics:


This week we have reviewed 148 posts. Of which we have been able to vote for 112, and we have ignored 36 by not meeting the parameters for voting such as the state of the club.

These 112 posts are distributed among 89 authors. In addition, we have voted for 28 comments.


This week we have been able to cover 34 tags, the main tag has been: contest.



We have covered a total of 34 communities.



We have covered a total of 17 countries.



As for the clubs, the highest percentage of supported publications is found in club5050.



This week we were supporting meaningful comments, we supported a total of 28 comments.



Comments from our team:

Saturday, October 8


Hello friends,

This was my first curation for the team Millionaire and all in all I reviewed 13 posts out of which I voted 11 posts.

Out of which 4 posts were of #club5050 , 5 posts were of #club75 and 2 of #club100.

Sunday 9, and Monday October 10


This week I supported with curation a part of Sunday with my partner kouba01, and on Monday.

On this occasion, note that in some contests they continue to include the beneficiary's contribution in the rules, which should not be included in that area, even if it is optional.

I also found that many do not put the state of the club and the country which takes time to find out this data, it would be good if they put this information in their labels as well as the "contest" tag.

In general it was a good day, I managed to vote for 17 contests that comply with the rules and I also voted for 10 comments.

Tuesday, October 11


In my second week I can say that I felt much more confident because the team had already established the corresponding rules, we already knew what to vote and what not to vote, we also had a wider range of publications since we established percentages for the winners of the contest and that certainly helps us to keep the account active, that is very important in a curation team.

Without a doubt it was a very productive week and with more confidence in our work.

This day I checked 30 publications and voted 29, the publication not voted was outside the club5050, but in the club100 yes, it was the steem-cameroon community who were waiting for their fourth dolphin, but they had the steem in their wallet and had not been used yet. They were left a comment that they should power up at least once a month.

Another problem that we can still see in some contests is the placement of the beneficiary in a mandatory manner or within the rules. We have tried to educate the communities and users that still make this note.

Most of the posts voted were from club5050 and the contest winners. I was also able to vote for 10 quality comments.

Wednesday, October 12


I experienced a few server issues during the early part of my curation for the day and some power issues which lead to a slight delay. The server got improved after some time which allowed me to continue my curation.

For my curation today, I have been able to curate new contests and rewarded some winners in completed contests. These votes were given accordingly to compliance of users with the basic rules.

I realized a few contest organizers don't have a unique contest tag and that would be hard for them to get the actual participants in their contests. The #contest tag would never be enough for a unique contest, it would only combine more than required, and the organizers might miss some entries from his/her participants. I would like to urge contest organizers to employ tags that are unique to them alone.

Curation by club status today;

#club5050- 6
#club75- 5
#club100- 6

Organizers with contests that are in editions are advised to thoroughly check entries such that participants don't present content from the previous editions, I called the attention of an organizer today to ensure he pays attention to that in his contest.

Thursday, October 13


On Thursday, October 13, 2022, the total post verification I did was 27 posts. 16 content was successfully curated, while the remaining 11 content had to be skipped because:

  • Not part of the club Status: 9 posts
  • Not Qualified: 2 Posts

The posts that have been curated when viewed from:

  1. Country : Indonesia (5), Nigeria (2), Bangladesh (3), Venezuela (5), India (1)
  2. Club Status : club100 (5), club75 (6), club5050 (5)
  3. Community: Steem SEA (1), Steem For BetterLife (5), Steem Venezuela (2), Scouts y sis Amigos (1), Steem-Database > > (1), Steem Entrepreneurs (1), বাংলা (1) , Comunidad Latina (1), Venezolanos Steem (1), SteemKids (1), Incredible India (1)

Posts that get curation support refer to the rules published by the Millionaire Team. there are some posts that are determined as contest winners but have passed the reward claim period, so the content is not getting support.

Sunday 9, and Friday, October 14


In the second week, I curated two different days, Sunday, October 9 and Friday, October 14 within the Millionaire team to select and upvote the best competitions proposed by the communities or through individual initiatives from some users, and both efforts were rewarded according to percentages that differed according to the quality of the competition and the status club to which it belongs.

  • The statistics for the week were acceptable, as in the two days, 22 posts were voted (including 12 for Sunday), also I skipped 11 posts due to non-respect of the participation conditions such as at least belonging to the 5050 Club, or exceeding the voting period estimated at 7 days, especially for winning publications in competitions, or not Authenticity of the contest.
  • 4 contests belonging to #Club100 and the same frequency to #Club75 were voted on against 14 posts belonging to Club 5050.
  • Most of the posts voted on were from Venezuela and then Indonesia.


The Top 6 of the Posts selected for this week.


Author : @adriancabrera
Club : #club5050
Post : Link
Nominated by: @monz122

The best post so far I found is a contest post and what I liked the most about this contest was to highlight the good work done by some of the outstanding Steemian and their unique work which makes them different from normal writers. @monz122

This publication is already 7 days old.


Author : @hive-163291
Club : #club5050
Post : Link
Nominated by : @inspiracion

This is a contest that stimulates us to observe, admire and delve into nature, invites us to share own photographs and write about what we have observed. I think this is a way to inspire the creation of high-value content, by sharing from our places using the what3words location tool and making the natural beauty that surrounds us known. The rules are well established, and it offers booming prizes and also TRX. @inspiracion


Author : @hive-181136
Club : #club75
Post : Link
Nominated by : @franyeligonzalez

I chose this contest because I consider that the theme is of quality, nowadays values have been lost in many people and it is necessary to remember them. In this community they have an excellent dynamic, every week they choose a different value and the users must answer what they think about the mentioned value, tell their experiences and also these allow us to know many cultures and different points of view.

Undoubtedly it is something original and adds value to the platform. The publication is very well laid out, with a good introduction to the topic, clear rules and corresponding prizes.- @franyeligonzalez


Author : @solaymann
Club : #club100
Post : Link
Nominated by : @fredquantum

This article sounds quite genuine and practical that is aimed at contributing to the environment by planting more trees to save our planet and making it more comfortable for the inhabitants.

In terms of originality and the size of the rewards, it's okay to take the spot. I will use this medium to advise the contest organizers not to base contest rewards on booming support and community upvote alone. Steem, Steem Power and TRX are very good alternatives that add more tangible value.

Almost all good articles in a community are eligible for booming support and community upvotes, let's add some prizes as well.- @fredquantum


Author : @sofian88
Club : #club75
Post : Link
Nominated by : @irawandedy

Increasing public awareness as a strategic effort to create a productive quality of life, vision is a vital sensory organ that needs to be the focus of the world community. This contest is a form of promotional approach about the importance of continuing to campaign for World Vision Day as an individual investment in accessing affordable eye health services in their area.

The world community in general and platform users are expected by the contest organizers to write their involvement in the commemoration of the world eye day, then the contestants can understand that the World Sight Day campaign is part of raising public awareness of themselves and the environment around them.

I chose this as the best post in Thursday's edition of October 13, 2022 because in addition to the strategic issues raised in the topic of the contest, the organizers also encourage contestants' involvement by providing support for prizes of 25 Steem Power and coupled with booming upvote support. - @irawandedy


Author : @marvinvelasquez
Club : #club5050
Post : Link
Nominated by : @kouba01

A competition organized by the receative steem community, where users are suggested to publish articles related to their recreational activity that they did at the end of the week. It is important to urge people to entertain at the end of the week after the entire week's effort and until we return to work and study with more activity, so I encourage this good initiative.

The rules of participation are clear and include most of the conditions required by other communities to participate, such as originality in writing and freedom from plagiarism. The prizes are also encouraging for users as the three winners will get booming votes on the last day of the competition. - @kouba01

This was our second report.

To see the details of our management you can see the following links:

Week 2

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Team Millionaire

@kouba01 #club100
@fredquantum #club75
@franyeligonzalez #club5050
@irawandedy #club100
@monz122 #club75
@inspiracion #club5050


 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, gracias por este excelente reporte que resume nuestra actividad de curación durante esta segunda semana 😊
Y mucha felicidades a los seleccionados.

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus palabras amiga, es el trabajo de todos nosotros. Saludos!!

Buen trabajo Equipo Millonario esta iniciativa fomenta la creación de buenos concursos y también motiva a los usuarios a participar creando contenido original y de calidad para steemit.

Felicidades a todos los elegidos está semana.

Saludos Cordiales


 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, gracias por eso, nuestra intención es seguir motivando la creación de concursos de calidad. Saludos!!

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for a very good report and selection of posts.

Thank you for being the pioneers with Team Millionaire.

Do you think Team Millionaire is helping to increase the number of good contests on Steem?

Would you recommend we continue Team Millionaire in November?

Any changes you would suggest?

cc @kouba01 @fredquantum @franyeligonzalez @irawandedy @monz122 @inspiracion

 2 years ago 

Hi steemcurator01,

I think the team has been able to stimulate the creation of contests, many communities and users have been able to realize how important it is to keep contests active. And I think that if the team continues, it could stimulate this topic more.

Steemit has always needed to keep posting initiatives active, as this gives users ideas to post.

Regarding the contests themselves, the organizers could directly suggest that the participants can have prizes with SC03 (Team Milionaire).
I don't think it's a good idea to reward all the participants in general, because for that we already have the other SC 04-08.

I also think that eventually the creation of contests can generate interesting topics that will be beneficial.

For example, I would suggest that you always use your own photos and not from the internet, this is a way to encourage original content.

Of course prizes are the best thing for a contestant, so we can up the percentage given to contest winners this week.

So we will continue to focus on creators and contest winners. As well as other initiatives that encourage the growth of Steemit.

 2 years ago 


I don't think it's a good idea to reward all the participants in general, because for that we already have the other SC 04-08.

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you, SC01.

In my own opinion, the introduction of Team Millionaire has helped to increase the number of good contests on the platform. How do I come to this conclusion?

  • Users have now moved from seldom hosting contests to being regular which gives participants enough contests to select from, hence, increasing contest articles across the platform.

  • Contest organizers strive to make their contests outstanding as much as possible knowing they can get more rewards, hence, good contests continue to surface.

  • More users are now motivated to host contests which would ensure the activeness of their community members. I have been approached by a few users as they wish to start hosting contests in our community.

Overall, it has helped promote good contests so far.


  • Contest organizers should not only rely on readily available resources like the booming support and curation from community accounts, they should add more value from their ends as a means of appreciation to the participants (Steem Power, STEEM and TRX would be great, it can be added to the readily available resources), SP would help to guide against slipping away from a club status. This can be included in the rules for getting support (I don't know if it will work).

  • Some challenges don't require making an article, winners in such contests may also be eligible to get an upvote (on their challenge comments) for the reasoning efforts that made them triumph amongst others (this would enhance the utilization of our resources and facilitate participation in such challenges).

These are a few things I was able to reason with at the moment. In conclusion, Team Millionaire should continue in subsequent community curator editions.

 2 years ago (edited)

@steemcurator01, Indeed, I think it was an appropriate opportunity to introduce the importance of creating competitions to motivate users to write and not be satisfied with reading, I think and as a first experience that contributed to attracting some users who presented acceptable ideas for several competitions at generally satisfactory levels, but our role remains in further spreading and framing this culture by for example setting common rules for this, promoting,...

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello SC01

I think our team has done a good job, I have talked to all the Latin communities to encourage good quality contests. Yes I think we have seen more contests, people more interested in doing interesting challenges and that leaves some benefit to steemit.

Certainly the content is still somewhat limited but we could also vote the posts of the announcement of the winners, the posts of each of the winners and perhaps those posts that have to do with the promotion of steemit, some challenge related to that topic.

That way we could expand the content to be voted on.

Yes I think Team Millionaire should continue in November and continue to do a good job for the platform and to help users. Thanks for the opportunity 😊

According to my suggestions we should continue with this theme as may be because of our suggestions in the comment section for improvement the one who are getting support from my team is trying to improve the quality of the contest and hence we can find more number of Contests running and the best part is the participants (winners) who are getting suppported by us is improving the quality of their posts.

Sometimes it is difficult to find sufficient numbers of contests to curate and hence my suggestion is that maybe we should add some more tags to curate to fully utilise our votes .

 2 years ago 

Hopefully more contests will be appearing to make up the numbers.

Team Millionaire can also provide prize votes for contest winners as long as the contests finish before the end of the month.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemcurator01 , a little suggestion from me, maybe the Millionaire team can also take a look and consider voting on the Contest Winner announcement post, so that the contest organizer can give more prizes for the next contest.


 2 years ago 

Voting on the Contest Winner Announcement posts will be fine for Team Millionaire.

 2 years ago 

Glad to hear this, I'm sure in the near future there will be more Contest organizers in most Communities, and I personally hope Team Millionaire will continue.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, I agree with you. I have also raised it.

You are actually correct after the arrival of this team we are judging number of contest organisers have been increased on this platform which is intern very good for us.

 2 years ago 

That's really good

With the presence of many contests, the platform looks better.

Halo @steemcurator01.

In my personal opinion, the Millionaire team not only provides curation to the organizers when holding a contest, but also provides curation for contest announcements. As for the contest users, they can also get curation, even though it is not comparable to the curation results obtained by the contest organizers. This is just a suggestion.

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 2 years ago 

Excelente trabajo el del equipo Millonario.

Es muy inetersante esta actividad ya que promueve la creación de actividades de participación, lo cual genera mayor actividad en las respectivas comunidades.

El participar de diveros concursos, le proporciona a los usuarios la posibilidad de obtener premios, sobre todo de crecer, mejorar su trabajo, ser más creativo y sobre todo mucho más participativo.

Muy buenos concursos lo spostulados por este equipo.


 2 years ago 

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por el apoyo y esas lindas palabras hacia el equipo!!

Excelente reporte y muy bien detallado de todas las curaciones realizadas por el equipo millonario.

Felicidades a todas esos autores que fueron curados en sus publicaciones. Saludos.

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