Help from steem pod team community

The purchase of water tanks is completed for the time being.
Now we are collecting again for solar systems to bring light to the huts of the poor farmers at Lake Bunyoni.

In between, however, there are always other events that we take care of.
Often there are health problems, of course also with the children.

Due to the problematic hygienic conditions and the proximity to the animals, fungal diseases, ulcers, tumors and eczema occur again and again.
HIV infections also play a role.

The purchase of water tanks is completed for the time being.
Now we are collecting again for solar systems to bring light to the huts of the poor farmers at Lake Bunyoni.

In between, however, there are always other events that we take care of.
Often there are health problems, of course also with the children.

Due to the problematic hygienic conditions and the proximity to the animals, fungal diseases, ulcers, tumors and eczema occur again and again.
HIV infections also play a role.

Medical care is poor. The people do not have health insurance and there is often no money left for the necessary treatments and medicines.

We pay such bills every now and then,
because the condition is hard to bear, especially for the children.

The means of my wife and me are of course limited and we depend on your donations.


The purchase of water tanks is completed for the time being.
Now we are collecting again for solar systems to bring light to the huts of the poor farmers at Lake Bunyoni.

In between, however, there are always other events that we take care of.
Often there are health problems, of course also with the children.

Due to the problematic hygienic conditions and the proximity to the animals, fungal diseases, ulcers, tumors and eczema occur again and again.
HIV infections also play a roll

Medical care is poor. The people do not have health insurance and there is often no money left for the necessary treatments and medicines.

We pay such bills every now and then,
because the condition is hard to bear, especially for the children.

The means of my husband and me are of course limited and we depend on your donations.

We are grateful for any financial help!
If you want to help,
our paypal account:

Der Kauf von Wassertanks ist erstmal abgeschlossen.
Jetzt sammeln wir wieder für Solar-Anlagen, um Licht in die Hütten der armen Bauern am Lake Bunyoni zu bringen.

Zwischendurch gibt es aber auch immer wieder andere Geschehnisse, um die wir uns kümmern.
Oft gibt es gesundheitliche Probleme, natürlich auch bei den Kindern.


الرعاية الطبية رديئة. الناس ليس لديهم تأمين صحي وغالبًا ما لا يتبقى أموال للعلاجات والأدوية التي يحتاجون إليها.

بين الحين والآخر نقوم بتسوية مثل هذه الفواتير ،
لأن الحالة صعبة التحمل خاصة مع الأطفال.

أنا وزوجي لدينا موارد محدودة بالطبع ، ونعتمد على تبرعاتك.


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STEEM 0.19
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76