Identity-Based Group Signature and Its Mode of Operation

in PussFi 🐈6 days ago

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Identity-Based Group Signature is a certain schema which permits a member of the group to sign the message on behalf of the group without disclosing their own identity. This signature maintains the confidentiality of the individual signers but guarantees that the message has been signed by an authorized member of the group. What characterizes the identity based group signature is that it contains elements of identity based cryptography, where key management is easier since public keys are generated from user identities.

The key benefit of such systems is that they permit users to make logins to their accounts or to conduct transactions, authentication of which requires provision of certain details, without revealing the details. In such cases, only a certain group manager or authority can help in identifying the signer, if needed, thus rendering the system viable where both accountability and secrecy are required. This concept finds utility in voting, blockchain as well as privacy centered systems where decentralized identity has to be managed.

On the distributed ledger technology when identity based group signatures are used there are more privacy features than without them but the transactions are still valid. Instead of displaying personal identity information that people do not wish to share to everyone, these technologies help people perform private activities. White such signatures function, which are exercised in the decentralized environment with no control over them these let out the other side of the picture tackling the issue of compromise between the transparency and seclusion.


The first step in the operation of identity-based group signatures is key generation and identity management.In these systems, there is a trusted authority (called as key generation center) that distributes the private keys directly to the members based on their identities, unlike other cryptographic systems where every individual user has to generate and store his own pair of a public key (generally released publicly) and private key. In IBS, the users’ public keys are derived from some user’s identity information with which he got registered in KGC at first and this KGC also generates the user’s corresponding private key.

Therefore, for each pair of communicating users we need not exchange their public keys manually as they can be easily derived from their identities. With the help of KGC only, all authorization checks will be performed between legal entities who get their private keys from fundamental bodies like government organization etc. After going through such central servers for retrieving legitimate secrets, attackers won’t get legitimate ID-based credentials. Similarly, this architecture ensures legal orders while accessing autonomous services in Cyberspace i.e., if digital content produces digital authenticators of embedded fabricated objects using fixed taxative digital signature algorithm by a mobile device in VANET. Our Smart Contract code shall follow integration technique facilitating secure Provisioning & Revocation Of User Identity During Identity Based Communication through Blockchain

While this approach provides streamlined key management, it inherently introduces trust issues. The KGC, as a central authority, wields substantial power in the system. If it is being malicious or getting hacked, all the private keys will be disclosed, compromising all the users in the system. Hence, guaranteeing the soundness and security of KGC is of vital importance for identity-based group signatures to function properly.


Once we generate the keys, we start with the signing process in which group members can sign messages/transactions on behalf of the group while at the same time hiding their identities. When a member signs a message using his private key, it is not evident to an external verifier owning that signature which member’s private key was used to produce that signature (but obviously one could obtain this information through pre-processing), and only the group manager can determine who owns that signature if necessary.

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In a blockchain context, we can use this to sign anonymous transactions or authorize certain operations, without exposing our identity to the public ledger. For instance, in a decentralized electronic vote system a member could just anonymously cast its vote and via our signatures we prove the ownership of our voting right for other legitimate members without revealing who between us actually voted. Thus, transparency is enhanced thanks to blockchain features while privacy is preserved.

The use of group signatures in blockchain can also achieve the purpose of preventing double-spending and unauthorized transactions, because only legal members in the group are able to sign for transactions.


An important particularity related to the structural aspect of identity-based group signatures is their property of traceability since it is guaranteed that the identity of a signer can be revealed by the group manager, when such an action is necessary. This feature is necessary to maintain responsibility, particularly in the use of blockchain where abuse of the privacy feature is a possibility. In this case, however, the group manager has a special tracing key that is used to identify a member of the group to whom a signature is ascribed.

This feature helps in striking the right balance in the provision of anonymity and accountability in the conduct of business by the users. For example in financial blockchains applications, the users of the applications may want to hide their identity from the public but seek trustworthy agencies that can perform forensic investigation in the event there is any fraudulent activity. This is especially needed in environments that are bound by regulation that compels them to observe the legal requirements.

Although traceability provides an advantage of resolving disputes or detecting fraud, it adds the complexity of trust within the group manager. If the manager of the group is corrupt or has malicious intentions, he will simply expose the persons who made the signatures without good cause. There is therefore a need to incorporate other preventive measures and governance systems to help mitigate such abuse of power.


Another important feature of identity-based group signatures is the ability to revoke group membership. In practice, it may be required to exclude a user from the group because of misconduct or key loss, among other reasons. Once a user is revoked, he can no longer sign on behalf of the group, and his future signatures are not considered as valid.

This becomes even more important in blockchain scenarios where groups are supposed to dynamically change over time. For instance, if a member within a decentralized finance (DeFi) application was identified as performing malicious activities, they would simply be removed from the group and be revoked from signing further transactions while not affecting the trustiness of any other member.



Identity based group signatures is powerful solution to enforce privacy and security in decentralised environment like blockchain, where with the help of identity based cryptography, such systems not only provide simplicity in key management but also allows message signing anonymisation.

The key features of the system, such as traceability, anonymity, and revocation, make it an ideal fit for blockchain networks that require both privacy and accountability.

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