Business Activity | Truchi Cafe | Dough for bread, learn how to prepare it

in Business Activity3 years ago

Happy and blessed day dear community, this time Truchi Cafe brings you a post with which it seeks to help you get a perfect dough for bread.

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Getting a delicious bread depends on many factors; Among them are the type of flour used and its kneading; That is why, if you want to get a bread that everyone likes, do not stop reading our post; Well, we will give you some tips so that you get the ideal texture in the dough for your breads.

Choose the correct flour

When we start in the bakery world, it is difficult for us to understand that flours, despite being visually identical, have differences in their components, which make it possible to obtain perfect products for each case.

What we must be very clear about is that wheat flours are classified according to the amount of protein they contain and in the bakery world they are known as strength:

🍞High strength wheat flour: This type of flour has 13% protein among its components; which makes it one of the flours to which a greater amount of water must be added and much more effort in kneading in order to activate gluten. If at any time you hear about 0 flour, it is surely this type that they refer to.

🍞Strength wheat flour: Also known as double zero (00), this flour has a protein percentage between 11 and 13%. It is used mainly in breads that contain higher amounts of sugar and fat; With this type of flour you can make soft and delicious pizzas 🍕.

🍞Medium Strength Wheat Flour: Better known as triple zero (000) or bread-making, it has 9 or 11% protein and is considered the perfect type of flour for making bread; Well, with the correct kneading, this flour can achieve the desired balance between elasticity and extensibility.

🍞Loose wheat flour: Loose flour is the one with the least amount of protein among its components (7-9%) and is known as four zero (0000). This flour is recommended for confectionery; Well, with it you can make cookies, cakes and endless pastry products 🍪🍰.

Knead a good time

Ready, we already made the choice of our flour; which, for our case (bread) is triple zero. Now what remains is to perform the correct kneading:

🍞Once the mixture is ready, it should be kneaded for at least 20 minutes.

🍞Ideally, roll the dough, fold it, and repeat this operation at least ten times. Although the more times it is repeated, the softer and more elastic it will be.

🍞Do not exceed the doses of fat added to the mixture, this can cause our dough to become denser and take a bit of time to grow.

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🍔Add a few tablespoons of vanilla to the water to make the dough, this will give your breads a good taste and smell.

🍔If you can't find triple zero flour to make your breads, you can mix four and zero flour and double zero.

🍔Sprinkle flour in small quantities on the table while kneading, it provides better texture to the dough.


Business name:Truchi Cafe
Owner's name:@maurelvys, @manuelalejandro
Business address:Cumana, Sucre, Venezuela.
About us:,

Dear readers, we say goodbye for now; We hope this publication will be of great use to you. Do not forget that at Truchi Cafe we ​​bet on cryptocurrencies, that is why we accept the recognized Steem and SBD coins as a means of payment.

I can't help but thank @cindycam and @oscarcc89 for the support offered through this great community known as #businessactivity.


 3 years ago 

Hello friends, excellent recommendations, with the types of flour and for each use in the preparation of what we are willing to do. This is very useful, we learn and fall in love with the breads they have prepared. By the way, we love your presentation logo.

Success in your sales in Crypto with your business.

It is a pleasure that you are with us

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @cindycam for always being attentive to each of our publications, your support through this community has no comparison.
Our logo is 100% our creation, I am very happy that you like it. Greetings

 3 years ago 

Hello friend, I really liked kneading to make torrejas and cakes to please my daughter. This dough is simple but you always have to find the right point and know when to stop kneading, also the resting time is very key, thanks for your advice.

 3 years ago 

Good to know that you like to spoil your daughter with special foods.
It is a pleasure to be able to share a little of my culinary knowledge with you.

If you doubt that the selection of the correct product is essential when achieving a good process, thank you for sharing your content with us.

 3 years ago 

Thanks to you @gensequini for being attentive to all our publications.
It is a pleasure to share with you our little knowledge.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing the recipe, it is very important to work with the correct materials and always follow the step by step well.

 3 years ago 

Yes, there are fundamental steps that we do not know when we are beginners, that is why I wanted to create this publication.
Regards @mvchacin

 3 years ago 

Those breads look delicious and the recipe is quite easy to make. Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Thanks to you for being attentive @feyless.
I look forward to your great posts

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