Business Activity / Heidy Repostería / Services to Order a Nutritional Snack for 10 Children. / 10% Recompenzas a Business Activity.

in Business Activity3 years ago (edited)


Good afternoon, dear community of entrepreneurs and businessmen, my wish is that you are all well. Here I am again after a few days of excused absence since my second grandson was born on the 19th of this month, with occupations that require the arrival of a baby.

But thank God we are here again to continue publishing our commissions.

On this occasion, at the request of a preschool teacher, he hired our services to order a nutritional snack for 10 children.

Advising her, we agreed to make her some oatmeal cookies and some carrot and banana cupcakes.

Speaking a bit about oats Oats are a cereal with a high protein content rich in vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iron among others. It is a very complete cereal that improves our health, even resting oat water is used for people who have a little high cholesterol, drinking this water daily helps us lower cholesterol levels.

On the other hand, we have carrots and bananas, which were the main ingredients in the cakes. The carrot is a vegetable that can be eaten boiled raw cooked. Thinking of our children is a way for them to eat this vegetable without having to cook it, but rather it disappears completely in the cake and thus we are giving our children a nutritional snack with a high content of potassium rich in vitamins. And we wanted to add a sweet touch with banana chopped into small pieces since children love the banana.

For the oatmeal cookies use the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of oats
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 50 gr. margarine
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 1 small spoonful of ground cinnamon.
  • 1 cup of sugar

Its preparation is very easy:

  • 1.- In a bowl we place the egg the cup of sugar and begin to beat.

  • 2.- Add the margarine, oatmeal, baking powder, cinnamon bicarbonate and stir until all our ingredients are combined.

  • 3.-After our mixture is well united, we proceed to make very small balls with our hands and squash them into a tiny arepita and begin to place on our tray what we are going to take to the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or until they are golden brown.

For the carrot cake use the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 gr of sugar
  • 1 small striped carrot
  • 1cambur
  • 5 g of baking powder
  • 5 g of bicarbonate
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • Wrappers # 10

Quick and easy preparation:

  • 1- We start by grating the carrot, and cut the banana into small pieces, we reserve.

  • 2- In a bowl, beat the 3 eggs with the 100 grams of sugar until the mixture is white.

  • 3- We start to alternate the remaining ingredients to our mixture, the 200 grams of flour, baking powder, bicarbonate and the oil, mix well.

  • 4- we fill our saucers halfway this way to prevent them from overflowing when they are in the oven. It is necessary to have a special tray to bake the ponque. And we take to the oven at 180 ° for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

To deliver our order we used a small box decorated in which we turned our cookies into tissue paper and placed them on the side.


Our client was satisfied with her order.


For the elaboration of these products, the following expenses were incurred:

$ 8,643 / 1,229 SBD / 13,457 STEEM

Business name:Heidy Reposteria
Owner's name:@heidyps2
Business address:Anzoategui, Venezuela
About us:Link Presentation



Hello @heidyps2 a pleasure to greet you, being able to give nutritional food to the little ones in the house is of the utmost importance with so many chemicals that are in food today, it is good to know that your business also manages this area, surely the children were delighted with this delicious recipe.

 3 years ago 

Gracias amiga, siempre estamos para complacer el requerimiento de nuestros clientes. Feliz dia

 3 years ago 

Delicious cakes are always served, hopefully the children will like it, thank you for sharing about the preparation during processing, it's nice to hear that your grandson was born safely

 3 years ago 

Gracias amiga por tus buenos deseos y comentarios siempre.

Me encantaron los ponques con zanahoria, super nutritivos, éxtos y bendiciones!

 3 years ago 

Amen gracias,que bueno que te gustaron.

 3 years ago 

Hello @heidyps2 , we are glad that this snack is an order that makes children happy and that they request in quantities to make themselves known even more.

Tips and recipes are special for you to increase in orders.

We are sure that day by day, the steemians of your locality will place orders and cancel through steemit.

These cookies and cupcakes are nutritious and with the necessary elements for children to eat healthy.

Thank you for being a committed member of the community.

Greetings and success.

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tus palabras y recomendaciones, seguimos avanzando para hacer crecer y fortalecer la comunidad. Feliz dia

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