Business Activity / Heidy Repostería / Elaboration of Budin of Bread with Breakdown in Costs ($ -SBD-STEEM) / 10% Rewards for the Community.

in Business Activity3 years ago


Hello dear friends of this valuable community, I hope you had a weekend full of great success and sharing with your family.

Continuing with the recipes of our typical sweets this weekend, at the request of my clients, I made some delicious golfeados.



Golfeado is a typical sweet bread of our Venezuelan gastronomy. Who has gone to the junquito has not missed the moment of eating a delicious golfeado with hand cheese.

Golfeado is a roll of sweet bread stuffed with papelón and grated white cheese, so who likes the contrast of sweet and salty this is the perfect bread to delight the palate.



For this recipe use the following ingredients:

  • 2 and a half cups of shredded paper.
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 20 gr yeast
  • 20 gr of margarine
  • 1 cup of liquid milk
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 200 grams of grated cheese
  • 10 gr of sweet anise



After having given you the ingredients, we go through the step by step of these rich gourds:

  • Step # 1:

In a cup of liquid milk we place 2 tablespoons of sugar and the 20 g of yeast, stir and reserve. Sugar activates yeast and makes it ferment faster.



  • Step # 2:

In a bowl we place the 4 cups of flour, and we open a hole in the middle, and pour the yeast that is already fermented, to this preparation we also add the beaten egg, and we begin to unite our dough. If it is necessary to add water, do not overdo it, little by little you add until you get the desired point.



  • Step # 3:

We pour over the counter that should already have a little flour and we begin to knead by adding the 20 grams of margarine, here the dough can get a little sticky, it is necessary to add more flour until it gently detaches from the counter. After 10 minutes of mixing, reserve and leave to rise for 20 minutes.



  • Step # 4:

We knead again for a few minutes and begin to stretch until we achieve a rectangular shape.
We place margarine with a brush, add the grated paper and cheese.

  • Step # 5:

We begin to roll as it appears in the photo until we make a large roll and proceed to chop 3 Ctm rolls. I make exact cuts, or failing that with a sharp knife.



  • Step # 6:

Bake on a tray or tortera at 180 degrees for 10 minutes then remove to place the papelón syrup and grated cheese and return to bake for 15 more minutes. And ready our golfeados.

If you like, you can add more grated cheese or hand cheese or guayanes, all to the client's taste.




For the syrup use 1 cup of grated paper, half a cup of water and 10 grams of sweet anise. It was carried away. Medium heat until it reduces a little and I have a caramel consistency.

For the realization of these products we had the following expenses:

5,75$ / 0.79 SBD / 9.16 STEEM



Thank you for taking the time to visit our work, grateful to everyone, God bless you.

Business name:Heidy Reposteria
Owner's name:@heidyps2
Business address:Anzoategui, Venezuela
About us:Link Presentation


 3 years ago 

Hello @heidyps2 , great sample of typical sweets from your country. They must be requested a lot by everyone.

The golfiados are quite striking and at first glance they look exquisite.

Thank you for sharing the recipe for those customers that are far from you, but who want to learn how to make them as well as taste them.

Thank you for the associated costs in your local currency, steem and sbd.

We invite you to be part of the Meetup Program, where you will host the event and be part of the community growth:


 3 years ago 

Gracias seguimos trabajando con mucho gusto para nuestros cliente!! Y gracias por la invitación 😁

Que bueno se ven, estoy segura que serán un éxito, te deseo muchas ventas, saludos.

 3 years ago 

Gracias amiga saludos!!

 3 years ago 

Nuestra gastronomía de dulces es extensa, y los golpeados sin duda, son de los favoritos de los venezolanos. Gracias por compartir la receta .

 3 years ago 

Un gusto para mí compartir con uds. Bendiciones

 3 years ago 

The bread must be very delicious, thank you also for the tips on making and also the recipe

@Heidyps2 what a pleasure to read your content, it is very valuable for us to show us the recipes and the preparation of the typical desserts of your region in this way we not only know their preparation but much more about their gastronomy for that we are extremely important Thank you for be an active member of the community.

 3 years ago 

Gracias a uds por confiar en nosotros, y poder compartir nuestros emprendimientos. Bendiciones

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