Business Activity| Calculate costs well and give value to your work|10% of the profits are for Business Activity.

in Business Activity3 years ago

Hello a big greeting to all of you friends of #BusinessActivity, I wish we have a happy and prosperous new year.


Hello my dear friends from #BusinessActivity, I was off for the holidays, but I'm back to continue posting about my desserts and sweets. @jessiescake official account

In this post I want to share with you a very important topic, for us entrepreneurs, which is: The calculation of costs, in order to obtain good profits and see the fruit of our work.

2021: Personally, it was a year where I made my business known, where I made full cakes to family and friends to make my products known, where I basically had affordable prices with the aim of gaining new customers. And that's fine, every entrepreneur who is starting with a sale should promote their products.

Now this #2022 I want to give my learning a twist by applying certain knowledge that I acquired during my studies in #Asochef, specifically in the calculation of costs, in order to obtain good profits. Lo

So if it happened to you like me that you feel that you work a lot for the little you earn, then possibly these are the causes of that big problem.
The idea is to identify the faults that are being committed, to later correct and thus be able to improve what is not being done correctly. If you improve this, it will improve your income believe that it is so.

✨ You draw your budget based on other people's experiences or prices. Only you really know how much you spend, so it is advisable to sit down and do the math and know the price of our products. Maybe that product that looks like yours but is not cheap, was made with lower quality materials, so don't get impatient and find your own expenses.

✨ And this particular one happened to all of us, it is the biggest mistake you can make, spend more than you earn. Personally, whenever I make sales, I divide the profits in two, one to buy some pastry material that I need and the other to give myself a taste.🤩

✨ It is important to be clear and in rules about absolutely everything about the expenses that are made for the preparation of a certain product. In my case: Electricity, water, dishwasher, delivery gasoline, time; All this is included in the expenses.


✨ And finally and most importantly, give the right value to our enterprise, let's not see it as something small, but as a company that needs large investments, that is to think big and then the rest builds itself.

I started this #2022 with a delicious three milks per portion for sale, which has a cost of:

2$SBD: 0.500STEEM 5.006

My first #2022 investment: white panels, to give my cake and dessert photos a professional, fresh, and beautiful touch.

In the previous photos you can see the example with the photos of the three milks.

I hope this post has been to your liking, see you in a next opportunity, that sales rain down on your business and mine. Blessings for your lives.

Business name:@jessiescake
Owner's name:@felyess
Business address:Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui, Venezuela
About us: link to my presentation

We accept payments in SBD and STEEM.



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 3 years ago 

The cake is looking so delicious 🤤🤤

Se ve deliciosa esa torta, la tres leche es la preferida de muchos, asi que se tendrá mucha venta, bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

Gracias, si es la que más vendo.😚🌟🌹🍰

 3 years ago (edited)

Hello @felyess happy to see your business is growing the cake looks delicious may blessings always rain on your business greetings success always friend Please share your posts on social networks this is important for your business growth.

 3 years ago 

Thanks You. Greetins

Hello @felyess, it is a pleasure to greet you and that you are back showing us your excellent material.

In agreement with you, we must calculate the costs of our work very well, in this way we will obtain better profits and we will commit not only with quality but also with market prices.

 3 years ago 

This is my dear Greetings.

 3 years ago 

The work has the reward of being gainful with the profit that the investor learns that corresponds to his great work.

You must prioritize everything that involves the creation of desserts and the additional expenses, in turn the demands of the clients, which are often a little higher than what is therefore shown in advertising.

Thank you for the guide clients and investors towards good investment thinking.

Great start to the year 2022.


 3 years ago 

Happy and blessed year. Greetings, thanks for visiting my post.

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