Part II: Forms with Weapons (KAMA) in the ASLKV by @academia.aslkv

in Business Activity3 years ago (edited)
Continuing with the continuity of showing our training in the academy, we have within the forms with weapons the KAMA. Likewise, it defines as a scheme of martial arts movements, but with the use of Kama as part of personal defense, where blocks, blows of hands and feet, movements, jumps, turns, and especially the management of breathing are used, self-control and perfect handling of defenses and attacks.


Fuente propia en Instagram @maestroaslkv

On this occasion, the Kamas will play the leading role, they are a weapon used in the martial art of Japanese origin, commonly used by peasants. It is usually shaped like a sickle with a long handle, which was used to mow grain.

Kamas are used by samurai, at first, they were not very sharp and without an incisive point, but a short time later, they became a lethal weapon like the Bo and the katana.


On this occasion, I will show you a video by the student Luis Salazar in his participation in the different international tournaments of the year 2020.

For us, as an academy, it is of vital importance that our students are integral athletes, that they master the different techniques and weapons. However, when they have mastered one, in particular, they begin to work and perfect their handling, so that their different participation in tournaments or exhibitions is clean and out of the ordinary presentations. To achieve this it is necessary for the practitioner to be committed, constant, and disciplined with their training to achieve extraordinary results.


Business name:Asociación Sistema Libre de Karate Venezuela
Owner's name:@maestroaslkv
Business address:Colinas del Neveri, Barcelona ,Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela
About us:

The photos were taken from my BluG6 phone

Towards the formation of excellence in our practitioners. Thanks until the next installment.

 3 years ago 

It is a good topic to teach and for our knowledge in this area, perhaps many already know or have had training with KAMA, another one does not, it is a good time to enter, and why not practice? The kamas are used by the samurai, the knowledge of something new is an important part, nurturing and encouraging us. Very good presentation video.

 3 years ago 

When you want to learn we are at your command to teach you

Excellent the diverse training and exercises through martial arts. Congratulations for always impressing us with your services.

 3 years ago 

Thanks, our main objective is to prepare future integral athletes

 3 years ago 

Today, the use of Kama is perfect for
development and for personal defense, defenses and attacks. By mastering the technique, wonderful presentations are made.

 3 years ago 

If it is true, the use of different weapons in competition has brought us many awards to the academy.

I have a son and he is not in any sport yet, I would like this training that is formed in the discipline. Martial arts, defense person, I'm learning something new with you Academy.

 3 years ago 

It is important that the boys of this era, practice a sport with discipline, to move them away from the networks a bit and avoid a sedentary lifestyle in adolescents. We are at your service for the advice for your child

Muchísimas gracias por la información.

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