轻松学习英语单词系列 – Penny-pinching(名词、形容词)Learn English Words the Easy Way Series – Penny-pinching (n, adj)

in HuaRen.News4 years ago

这个系列特别适合学习英语单词的人。像许多语言一样,英语单词可以分解成不同组合部分; 每个部分都有着自己的含义,然后合起来组成这个词的整体意义。了解每个单词如何通过这些“部分”组合在一起有助于学生更容易记住每个英语单词。

This series is particularly tailored for people learning English – English words particularly. Like many languages, English words can be broken down into parts; each part has its own meaning, contributing to the overall meaning of the word itself. Understanding how each word is put together with “parts” helps a learner remember English words easier.

Penny-pinching (n, adj) (名词、形容词)

Phonetics 音标: [ - ]

Meaning 意义:

The practice of or being extremely careful about giving or spending money.


In Part 分解部份:

penny + pinching
penny + pinching + (n, adj)

一分钱 + 捏着 + (名词、形容词)

Penny-pinching can be a noun or adjective. “Penny” is the basic coin with the smallest amount of monetary value. In this word, it represents money as a whole. “Pinching” is the action of holding on to something with your fingers. Together, Penny-pinching means “being extremely careful about giving or spending money” as an adjective, or “the action of being extremely careful about giving or spending money” as a noun.

Penny-pinching可以是名词,也可以是形容词。”Penny”是货币价值最小的基本硬币。在这个词里,它代表金钱的整体概念。”Pinching”是用手指抓着一件东西时的动作。把这个词放在一起,所形成的词Penny-pinching,其形容词的意思是”格外小心地付出或花费金钱”,而以名词,则代表” 格外小心地付出或花费金钱的这个行动”。

Examples 例句:

  1. In the current economic climate, the company is penny-pinching with every development project.
  2. With Covid-19 still going, penny-pinching may cut in many plans, but it doesn’t when coming to medical research budgets.

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