We do $Tip better than @tipcoi

in wormhole311 months ago

We do $Tip better than @tipcoineth, and offer a lot more😎

✅Just tweet with #iweb3 or any community tag on Wormhole3 to start earning on-chain 发推带#iweb3 或任何社区标签就可以上链开始赚币
✅Rewards based on interaction+ community based Credit score
奖励根据交互和社区credit计算 https://twitter.com/necklace_btc/status/1704310883571089752
Quote tweet info below:
Original tweet link: https://twitter.com/necklace_btc/status/1704310883571089752
Author: @necklace_btc(1355390985908314122)
Tweet at: 2023-09-20T01:45:53.000Z
好多kol被 $tip 白嫖了!其实@wormhole_3 这个平台早就平稳运行超半年了!玩法已经相当成熟了,也许这就是 #socialFi 。其中 #mferc 莫比社区发展得相当不错!对social有兴趣的可以看看比一比 收益不比$tip 少 https://alpha.wormhole3.io/square?referee=1355390985908314122


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