The road to Rishikesh: An unforgettable Travel experience.steemCreated with Sketch.

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Photo by abhishek gaur from copyright free

About Rishikesh in short.

Rishikesh is a heritage city near Dehradun district, Uttarakhand state of India. Rishikesh is also known as Yoga capital of the world. Rishikesh is the place where rishi and muni lives in the ancient time but now also you can see them in some places like temples and ashrams where ever they find peace.

Most tourist come to Rishikesh for Yoga lessons and also for spiritual knowledge. You can see tourist all around rishikesh. If you are interested in online yoga classes then you can join here


About Ganga river in short.

Ganga river forms by more two river named bhagirathi and Alaknanda, when this two river meets together they combine to form the Ganges river.

According to Hindu tradition, People come to Ganga river to take a bath and dip in the river because they believe that it is the purest river and will purify their body and soul. Their is also belief that it has healing properties and can cure various diseases.


My thoughts about it and my experiences in Rishikesh.

Rishikesh is the place of beauty and knowledge. Positive vibes, positive people and positive energy all around you. Mountains, rivers, water fall and it's histories makes it more interesting and beautiful place to visit. Rishikesh is city situated in mountains and between rivers. You can have wonderful experience which you will never forget. I first visited Rishikesh in September 2021 with my friend and I really love the city rich culture and traditions, and the experience was truly amazing. Now I go to Rishikesh every once a year, and every time I go, I experience same feelings and it's air makes my soul happy and pure.

To reach Rishikesh, you will need to travel to Haridwar first. Haridwar is a historical city, you can also have good experience there. You can find an auto-rickshaw or a taxi to take you to Rishikesh from there.

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