Are You Love Justin Sun? - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 | "An inspirational figure in cyberspace".steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemit Travellast year


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Success for all my friends

Today I wrote a post in participating in the ongoing contest with the title : S9-W4 | Steemit Engagement Challenge : "Are You Love Justin Sun?".

  • What do you know about the figure of Justin Sun?

The figure of Justin sun is one of the successful people at a young age in the field of cryptocurrency and he is also the person who founded the Tron blockchain,
Justin sun is from China.

  • What inspiration or motivation did you get from the figure of Justin Sun?

Of all the success that Justin Sun has achieved, I also want to be a successful person, but in terms of what he has achieved so far, we must learn and work hard to achieve this goal.

To be successful in one of the careers we choose, we must believe in ourselves with the abilities we have because then we will be more flexible in developing in business.


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The motivation that we can take from Justin sun is to always try and learn to achieve targets, from our sincere efforts, the end of the story will be successful like Justin sun.

  • Have you ever met Justin Sun?

I am an ordinary businessman and that is mediocre, so of course I have never met someone whose name is Justin sun.

If one day there is an opportunity and you can meet Justin sun, then that is something very extraordinary and very amazing.

  • If you have never met, would you like to meet? explain your reasons?

Meeting a Justin sun and he is one of the successful people in the field of cryptocurrency so that is a good thing and wanted by everyone who understands cryptocurrency.


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The main thing that comes to my mind when I meet Justin sun is to be able to gain knowledge about cryptocurrency so that I can understand more about crypto things.

There are many reasons why many people want to meet a Justin sun, one of which is to seek knowledge about blockchain and technology, it will be easier for us if we know more about blockchain.

  • If you had the opportunity to have a private trip with Justin Sun, where would you go and what would you do?


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People say Dubai is a beautiful City so if I can meet Justin sun, the place I want to go with Justin sun is Dubai.

This journey if it can become a reality then it might be a very good journey and it can be a moment that is difficult for us to forget.

  • Will you use Tron as a payment in the future?

If it is possible for Tron to be used as a means of payment in the future, I will use Tron because it can make it easier for us to make transactions and other activities.

There are many stories and long struggles that will occur in the future so that one day Tron may become a means of payment, for me that is a very extraordinary thing.

Here is my post in the contest in Steemit Travel, thanks to my friends.

I invite @elrazi, @dederanggayoni, @yuliadi, thank you for participating in this contest.

Best regards


 last year 

thanks for inviting me, nice post👍good luck, i appreciate it

 last year 

Thank you for your visit and support ,
Success for my friend .

 last year 

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I completely understand and agree with you. Meeting someone like Justin Sun, a prominent figure in the business world, would indeed be an extraordinary and amazing opportunity. As an ordinary businessman, it's natural to feel that meeting someone of his caliber is out of the ordinary. However, it's important to remember that every successful individual started somewhere, and you never know what opportunities lie ahead. Stay motivated, continue to work hard, and who knows? Perhaps one day you may have the chance to meet remarkable people like Justin Sun. Keep striving for your goals and embracing the possibilities that the future holds.
 last year 

Thank you for your visit and support, verify the status of my post ,
Success for my friend here .

 last year 

Sama server kita bg muhar, Saya juga ingin pergi ke dubai hehehe😁, Semoga berhasil bg👍

 last year 

Terimakasih atas kunjungannya, Dubai katanya tempat yang indah, sukses buat teman saya semua di sini .

 last year 

I completely share your fascination with China and its continuous advancements in various fields. It's truly impressive how the country stays at the forefront of innovation. Justin Sun would indeed be an excellent guide to explore the world of cryptocurrency payments in China. It's fascinating to see the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies, from ATMs to restaurants accepting them as a means of payment.

 last year 

Thank you for your visit and support ,
Success for all of us who are here .

 last year 

Hola muhar-bd, un gusto saludarte.

El éxito de Justin claro que inspira para conocerlo, además de hacerlo en una gran ciudad como Dubai debe ser genial.

Suerte amigo en el reto.

 last year 

Thank you for your visit and support ,
Success for my friend .

 last year 

I have read 3 to 4 posts almost more people have written about mr justin its nice to read about him your content is also very good.

 last year 

tokoh inspirasi tentunya merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat menarik untuk kita jumpai bahkan juga jika dapat menikmati waktu bersama dalam berbagai hal Salah satunya yaitu berjumpa

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