Travel and Tourism Business in My City | Steemit Engagement Season 4 | Traditional and handicraft industries @kouba01 | #club100 #burnsteem25#

in Steemit Travel2 years ago (edited)


Hi steemians,

I am participating for the second time in a competition prepared by the Steemit Travel community as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 in its third week.

What attracted me to this contest was the idea, which seemed ambiguous to me from the beginning, but after I studied a little and browsed some of the pictures that I have, I found a topic within the framework of this contest. I think you will like it, so I hope you a great reading.


Name, type or category of work

Tunisia is one of the most important countries that have preserved its traditional and handicraft industries. The national crafts and industries remained deeply rooted in the Tunisian heritage and contributed to providing income for many families whose members work in them. The Tunisian state’s interest and encouragement of the tourism movement has contributed to raising the demand for Tunisian handicrafts, which led to the prosperity of these crafts.


Brief business description

Traditional crafts or industries depend on simple tools and on the hands of man and his mental creativity.

Man made handmade goods and decorated them with natural materials extracted from:

  • Trees (wood, bark, oils, leaves, dyes).
  • Plants (allies for making baskets, flowers for making essential oils...)
  • Animals (leather, horns, wool, lint, fur...).

They are useful crafts and are in great demand for their beauty and artistic value.

The ancestors lived for long periods of time relying on what they produced with their hands and their simple means, so they furnished the houses, sewed clothes, made military means and decorated furniture, and all this by relying on traditional industries and their diligence, toil and mastery of their great work.


Offered services or products

The traditional industries in Tunisia vary according to the diversity of regions, the materials available in them, the succession of civilizations experienced by its people, and the history they have gone through. One of the most prominent traditional industries in Tunisia, which has unprecedented popularity in all countries of the world, is the manufacture of carpets, marqum, pottery, copper, pottery, chess, silk, clay, wood and pumice...

Traditional dress

Dress is a mirror of societies, as it reflects their culture and the degree of their progress. It also distinguishes between the different social classes in the same society and between the parties among them.


Women's dress is considered the most distinctive and diverse due to the natural interest of women in their beauty and showing it to the onlookers in the best way, which resulted in the multiplicity of types of fabrics and the diversity of their uses and the flourishing of the art of embroidery as a means to give fabrics an aesthetic dimension. ) bra.


As for the traditional men’s dress, it is distinguished, in turn, by the diversity of materials used in it, such as wool and silk. Although its general shape is round and loose, it differs between regions. In some eras, it was considered a measure of luxury, extravagance and social belonging to its bearer. Among its types, we find the kidron and blouse in the south, especially the jubbah.


Ornaments and silverware

Tunisian women have been interested in jewelry, just like the rest of the women of the world as a whole, since ancient times when man discovered gold and considered it one of the precious metals, whose value has increased throughout the history of humanity as a whole. For a woman to give her an aesthetic character and increase her femininity, so she will be a charm for the eyes and a temptation for the onlookers.


The historical extension had a great impact on the inscriptions used on jewelry, as traces of the Punic, Andalusian or Turkish eras appear on them through the shapes used. The use of gold, especially silver, went beyond the function of showing a woman’s adornment and beauty to include some items of daily use such as pots, antiques and other things, but also many tissues, whether they were intended for dress or for decoration (the dress of the bride, especially in the coastal areas of the country.



There are two ways in Tunisia for its manufacture: pottery with the wheel, which is the specialty of men, and wrought pottery that women engage in, an activity that is mostly found in rural circles.

The cities of Djerba and Nabeul were famous for this type of industry, but they differed in the quality of the pottery material used, as it was associated with the pottery called “Shawat”. Kallala, while yellow, green or dark painted pottery was associated with the city of Nabeul, but thanks to the emergence of this type of industry and its spread to the city of Kallala on the island of Djerba.


Carpets and textiles

Tunisia was famous for its carpets, marqum, and kilims, in addition to other types of wall hangings and weaving. Since ancient times, the textile industry has spread throughout the country, north and south, as a daily use for it or as a manifestation of adornment.

The carpet industry, in turn, is considered ancient, as it dates back to ancient times, and the various civilizations of the country passed through it as well, and affected it directly at the level of shapes, trimmings and decorations.

As for the kilim, it is a woolen fabric consisting of parallel strips of different colors and is used as a wall hanging or a floor rug. Markoum is another type of woolen fabric that uses a floor rug, and is distinguished from kilims by its woven patterns or the “rqamah” that adorns it.


Business facilities and support

Tunisia hopes to develop the traditional industries sector, which experts believe has the ability to mobilize a wide range of labor, stabilize the population in their areas, and reduce the phenomenon of migration to major cities in search of work. Also, the traditional industries sector is considered an active sector and can raise the rates of employment of the unemployed, especially that traditional industries projects are inexpensive and do not require large capital.

Thousands of Tunisians are active in the field of handicrafts, which represents 10 percent of the total labor force in the country. The traditional industries sector provides thousands of new jobs annually. It contributes a small percentage of the total exports.

From this point of view, since independence, the state has been keen to encourage this sector, as it has developed integrated programs for the advancement of infrastructure in most development plans. It has also adopted a more open and liberal economic policy in the sector to encourage investment, reduce fiscal and tax restrictions, and enact incentive measures and incentives in order to help the tourism and traditional industries sector to Not adapting more to economic changes and enabling it to face global competition.

Tell us about your experience using the services or products of the business

Our consumption and use of most of the goods offered are generally occasional, such as the shashiah, which is frequently used in Ramadan by the elderly, even if at some point it became a fashion for young people, as there was a change in its color as it became bearing several colors in line with the dress.

With regard to the jubbah and the rest of the traditional dress, there are several occasions that make you use it, such as the dowry or circumcision, like my son, who was circumcised last week, as we switched to buying his clothes, which consist of several traditional pieces, including the jubbah, the pants, the brake and the tongue, and not forgetting, of course, the red gauze.

The country also celebrates annually a national day of traditional dress in which all school children and nurseries wear this dress so that it remains firmly established in future generations.

As for pottery and carpets, they are present in every Tunisian house because of their luster and adornment, and their use is almost daily in cooking or covering the floor of the house.

Finally, the traditional jewelry is very popular with young people because of the inscriptions and shapes that follow fashion and are in line with what they wear, and it is also cheap compared to gold.

Are you interested in promoting the Steemit Travel community to travel entrepreneurs? Explain your reasons!

Yes, I am very interested in promoting the Steemit Travel community, not as a compliment, but for the value of this community in presenting a beautiful image on several regions in the world that we did not know about, but with the many contributions of the participants, I personally got to know beautiful countries and cultures that I really want to visit.

Indeed, we no longer deserve a guide. With the published photos and user experiences, we can have a clear idea of ​​the places before visiting them, as they can be our guide when traveling, so I would like to thank all those who contributed to creating this community.

Provide arguments, criticisms and suggestions

The traditional industries sector in Tunisia suffers from many and many problems, such as the lack of labor and the reluctance of young people to work in the sector, as well as the competition of counterfeit parts supplied from China for the original Tunisian product.

In addition to this, the monopoly of priority materials by a number of companies, in addition to the deterioration of working conditions, the absence of supervision and escorting of craftsmen, the weak promotion and the monopoly of a number of large merchants for most of the tourist delegations arriving in the country.

Achieving a set of priorities in order to improve the sector's performance over the next three years. These priorities are the following:

  • Finding a suitable floor and surroundings for the craftsman and the craft institution to help him overcome the current situation and Development of the competitiveness of the sector .

  • Encouraging private financing and investment also, intensifying participation in exhibitions, salons and international forums

  • Activating the supporting structures for the development of exports in other side developing the promotion of traditional products in the local market

  • Develop a strategy and communication plan to highlight the specificities of the sector and develop the culture of industries

  • Supporting the sector’s role in regional development and preparing it to contribute to the implementation of the proposed projects, by developing a regional strategy for the development of traditional industries.


At the end of this article I invite my friends @fredquantum, @pelon53 and @steemdoctor1 to take part in this amazing competition to see the different works that are unique to their region.



 2 years ago 

Wow, there are many impressive things that are available in your country as the products of the handicrafts and traditional industry of the country. There are so many things that are related to those which are also available here.

I really liked the quality of carpets, traditional clothes (especially Jubah and Pants), ornaments and potteries. I have already a desire to visit your beautiful country and now this desire has been polished again.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us. Good luck for the contest. Thank you for inviting me here.

 2 years ago 

This is a renewed invitation for you to visit my country, as for the things we have in common, it is because we belong to the same Islamic civilization known for its unique decorations.

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah brother. We are proud to have such a great civilization and history. Thank you fot inviting me.


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @wase1234


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @wase1234

 2 years ago 

I am glad you shared your post here, but you must follow the competition rules


 2 years ago (edited)

@hotspotitaly thank you, I promoted it on Twitter.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend
It is a very complete post about these businesses dedicated to crafts, it is wonderful to learn more about the culture of your country, you have a great variety of articles and very beautiful things.
It would be great to be able to meet them and buy souvenirs from their country for my family there.
in addition to the importance of supporting artists and entrepreneurs.
good luck in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear, yes I encourage you to visit us we are friendly people welcome our visitors, yes it is among the things that promote tourism here. Welcome to Tunisia again.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much

It would be a pleasure to be able to travel and get to know your country and you too.

This is a nice contest you have here.
The traditional and handicraft industry are indeed a top-notch.

I wish people can patronise it more rather than going for products from china.

Kindly drop a comment on my Engagement

 2 years ago 

I wish people can patronise it more rather than going for products from china.

Exactly that s what we should do to to guarantee its existence.

Kindly drop a comment on my Engagement

With pleasure.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for sharing with us I really enjoyed your post very quality even very hopefully winning the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you, i hope so.

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama senang mengenal anda

You have explained in great detail. And I like the discussion of jewelry. It is very beautiful. I also want to have it. Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Yes, this jewelry adds elegance and greater femininity to women. Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Greetings pal.. This is a very lovely work you have put together, I couldn't help but admire it so much.. Thank you for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thanks, that's very kind of you.

 2 years ago 

Nice place!


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