#burnsteem25 The Best Travel Destinations in My City - Steemit Engagement Season 4 | Boulos Enterprise

in Steemit Travel2 years ago (edited)


Hello great minds of steemit travel,

It is a wonderful privilege to be among the participants of this week engagement Challenge in this wonderful community.

Due to the hardwork and consistency of the admins, moderator and members of this community, it has been selected to be the host of this season engagement Challenge and I am so happy to participate in it.

This week contest requires me to give a detailed explanation of the tourist center I have visited and why I love it so much.

Please follow along as I begin


Many at times, when Nigerians want to visit tourist centers, they prefer going outside the country as they believe that there are more interesting places outside the country to visit.

This is not true, there are lots of tourist places here in Nigeria and one of them is the one I visited with the name Boulos Group Of Companies.

It is called Boulos Group Of Companies because it comprises of different companies plus a refreshment center, right within it's environs.


I am currently staying in ogunstate, Nigeria and the enterprise is located at Ikeja, Lagos State, which is a bit far from my area of residence.

From where I am residing to the enterprise will take will take a total cost of about NGN2000 which is equivalent to 20steems, and this is so because of the high rate of inflation of the Nigerian economy.

To transport yourself from my area of residence to the tourist center, you will need to take series of vehicles as one vehicle cannot take you there due to the rural nature of my region, except you are going with your private vehicle.

Shown below is the location of boulos group of companies from a Google map.

As shown above is a google map that demonstrate how far this tourist center is from my home and how long it will take for me to get there if there are no traffic jams.

If I am to go by bike, it will take me 47minutes and if I am to go with a vehicle, it will take me 51minutes.

Also showing on the map, I can take a different route using a vehicle which will take me a lesser period of time.


The Boulos Group of company is more like a business enterprise where tissue paper is being manufactured and as such, I wouldn't say their facilities is for the public, although students on excursion are allowed to take a good look at it.

This enterprise possesses a lot of machines that is being used to manufacture tissue papers, although I can't recall the names of all.

Below are some of the machines used by Boulos group of company.







Shown above are some facilities we were allowed to see.
These facilities plays a major role in assisting in the production of tissue papers.

As shown in the last Image, that is the end product of the tissue paper made and being arranged.


Boulos Group Of Companies as I explained earlier is more or less like a workshop and eating isn't allowed inside.

The only place quality food can be gotten will be in a restaurant close to the company.

For now, the enterprise doesn't support the creation of food, except if it is being served in the accommodation they have provided.


The costs of visiting Boulos enterprise and coming on a tour varies, depending on who is visiting.

The cost given to students that come for a vacation is different from those that come with their children for fun.

I don't really know how much it costs for students and other visitors since they will be having that conversation with the manager of the enterprise.

Boulos enterprise also provide accommodation for its workers living far away, this way, they can make it early to work and save some funds for other uses.

It would interest you to know that this accomodation is free of charge to Boulos workers, but they have to return home whenever they are off duty.

This is done because many would want to take advantage of the accommodation by not having an apartment of their own, which is wrong.

Then to visitors, you will be requested to pay a some of NGN5000 per night which is equivalent to 50steems.

Where the accommodation is, there also make available other refreshment and recreational activities like swimming pool, volleyball pitch etc.

The food available is not too expensive, a plate of rice and chicken costs NGN1500 which is equivalent to 15steems.


There are lots of unique attributes about Boulos group of companies that I am attracted to, not only is it made up of more than 2 different companies, it also has an accommodation for its workers.

The one I find most exciting is the pool located in it's accomodation center, including the games and other interesting events.

This company has made a very wise decision in making a very attractive hotel which in turn will attract others to their company for tourism.

This method helps the company to earn both from the recreation center the day-to-day operations of the company itself.

Below are some pictures of myself taken in the pool of boulos enterprise.





As shown above are some images of me in the pool and below is a link to a YouTube video of me swimming.



This tourist is indeed a top notch, I must confess.
It has been the best and most fun-filled tourism I have ever embarked on, although I still expect to go on more tourism.

To rate this tourist center, I will give it a 4/5, and I will rate it that way because, it provided me with knowledge and also wonderful experiences.

I am so glad I went on this tour.


I really appreciate this great community for giving me the opportunity to relate how I enjoyed this adventure.

All images were taken using my mobile device.


Lagos has always been a town with much admiration, Boulos Enterprise on the other hand is wonderful and attractive. I hope someday I will pay a visit to this place

Thanks a lot friend for stopping by, your comments are highly appreciated

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing posts, improve the quality of your posts and stay original.

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Voting CSI17.8 ( 1.37 % self, 199 upvotes, 148 accounts, last 7d )

A swimming pool is good for fun. Don't self-vote. Have a nice day!

Thanks for your wonderful review friend

 2 years ago 

This is amazing dear friend, i really love this place from it looks especially this part of the pool because i somuch love swimming. You have done a very nice review of the destination you visited and i wish you the very best as you keep steeming.

Water is life, I so much love water and I believe we all love it, thanks for visiting

 2 years ago 

I like in Lagos yet I didn't know that such a place existed oo wow!

One thing I love most here is the pool even though I do not know how to swim.

You live in Lagos? Wow, what part of Lagos do you live in.

I can teach you how to swim whenever you are ready

 2 years ago 

I live at Bariga..

I won't mind learning..thank you

 2 years ago 

This is a very nice place, most especially the swimming pool aspect, it's captured my heart, oooh😁 maybe i will try and visit this tourist site one day. I wish you all the best sir.

Thanks a lot for stopping by, I appreciate your review


Lagos has always been a town with much admiration, Boulos Enterprise on the other hand is wonderful and attractive. I hope someday I will pay a visit to this place

 2 years ago 

I for one would definitely love this place cause of the swimming pool I see. I for one loves to take a swim and I just can't get enough of it.

500 naira per night is very much cheaper than I did expected for a place with so much facilities to offer. I hope I won't pay extra to take a swim?

Lol, the Experience was really nice, thanks for stopping by

 2 years ago 

I like your company and work style there, also enjoyed the swimming pool, had a great time.

Yeah, all work and no play makes jueco a dull man 😀

 2 years ago 

Yeaah, go ahead 🤗

Hola amigo fué un gusto leer tu post 🤗

Se puede ver qué la empresa tiene mucho que mostrar y brindar conocimientos sobre su desarrollo.

Muy importante que puedan ir estudiantes y nutrirse con su contenido. La piscina se ve espectacular y es muy importante que brindé alojamiento al empleado que vive lejos.

Muchas gracias por compartirlo 🙏 Bendiciones y éxitos 🙏

Thanks a lot for stopping by, I appreciate

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