Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 Week 6 - My Trip My AdventuresteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemit Travellast year (edited)



As a young man, I really like traveling by motorbike with my friends to enjoy nature while refreshing my mind, which feels very bored due to the many activities that I do.

That day we went to the most beautiful Natural Destination in the Regency where we live called Mount Salak, that day we went using 2 motorbikes with 4 people including me. They are good friends who I consider like my own family.

The most beautiful moment in our trip at that time was when on the way one of our friends got into trouble with his motorbike, we immediately stopped together to help each other to help fix the small damage so we could continue our journey.


Moreover, the journey that we went through to get to Mount Salak was quite extreme, we had to go through a winding road with very extreme ascents and descents, along the way we continued to ride together with the position of the motorbikes that were always close together so that we could ensure that friends we were well on our way because the mountain road we were passing today was foggy.


Even though it's foggy, this is what makes our trip even more special because the cold weather and this wet fog really make our trip more enjoyable.


So, upon arrival at the tourist site we were going to, this is where the most beautiful experiences began to be engraved, that day we went for a walk to celebrate a farewell event because one of our friends wanted to go migrate to the neighboring country of Malaysia.


After stopping by one of the most beautiful cafes in the Gunung Salak area, we now started chatting and sharing our life experiences while enjoying a cup of coffee that we ordered.


What made our hanging out at this beautiful cafe even more special was that our friendship felt even closer because with an open heart we shared stories, both joys and sorrows, before our friend Rahmat left for Malaysia tonight.


Before leaving we also took some photos for memories so we can remember this very special trip forever. On the way home we also had exciting moments, on the way down this beautiful mountain road we also took lots of random photos for memories until we returned home.


This is truly an extraordinary journey even though we only go by motorbike, what is important for us is the sense of friendship that is always tightly bound.


This is my entry for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @ismuhadiadi, @sailawana, @dikimon2 and @abialfatih to participate together in this contest.

 last year 

Gunung Salak sudah menjadi salah satu tempat wisata favorit di daerah kita dengan udara yang sejuk dan pemandangan pegunungan yang indah

Semoga sukses adinda @ikwal

 last year 

Terimakasih abi, semoga kita sukses di kontes ini

 last year 

Un viaje cargado de adrenalina y muchas emociones.

Definitivamente hay amigos que se vuelven hermanos, con quienes compartimos muchas vivencias, que bueno que tus amigos y tú hicieron ese lindo viaje y disfrutaron de la naturaleza.

 last year 

Terimakasih saudari, semoga kita selalu sukses dan selalu bahagia

Un buen viaje donde pudiste disfrutar de la compañía de buenos amigos,y aunque de estaba nublado al ir juntos de acompañaba unos al otro.
Éxitos en el concurso

 last year 

Benar sekali saudari, kami sangat bahagia hari itu, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

 last year 

Not just a beach lover but also a motorbike ride to enjoy any journey to get rid of bored routine, so would be even special to share with friends as the ones of pictures, no matter if climate isn't good enough for the trip. Great adventure story from your part friend. Have good luck with contest and see you in next beach post. ⛱️✔️☺️

P.D.: feel free to share your nice article in another social media and leave link here. Regards.

Plagiarism freeYES
Verified userYES
free botsYES
Voting CSI10.7%
 last year 

Hehe, ini adalah perjalanan ke daerah pegunungan yang sangat menyenangkan bersama sahabat saya saudari, terimakasih atas verifikasi dan dukungan nya, sampai jumpa di postingan pantai selanjutnya 😁😁

 last year 


 last year 

young souls adventurous souls heheh, go while there is still time friends, if later the time has been decided we can't do anything

 last year 

Apalagi klo udah punya dek yek, udah gk bisa kemana-mana 😁

 last year 


 last year 

Your post was great and it is true that covering long distances on a motorbike is exhausting, but it is more enjoyable and I appreciate you making your trip beautiful by biking in such fog.
Good luck 👍

 last year 

Terimakasih saudari, semoga kita selalu bahagia dan terus sukses

 last year 

Perjalanan yang seru ya jalan-jalan bersama.bestie dan menikmati alam.. sukses ya untuk kontesnya..
Thanks udah mengundang ibu..

 last year 


 last year 

Mantap sekali brodher

 last year 

Terimakasih brother

Estoy muy de acuerdo contigo que el momento mas bonito de tu viaje de aventura fue cuando se unieron para ayuda a su amigo a solucionar el problema con su vehículo y continuar el viaje; viajar entre afectos y ayudarse es lo mejor! Exito en tu entrada!

 last year 

Itu adalah perjalanan yang sangat menyenangkan saudari, terimakasih sudah memberikan komentar yang baik


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