Earth Day 2023 - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 | Let's keep the Earth healthysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemit Travellast year



Keeping the earth healthy is a mandatory job that we must do to create prosperity for ourselves in this world, with a healthy climate and earth conditions we can live happier lives without having to fear the various natural disasters caused by damage to the earth.

What do you know about climate action and earth day?

Climate action and Earth Day are activities carried out to protect the earth from extreme climate change which is suffering from the earth that we love, these activities can be in the form of planting trees and cleaning up trash in the surrounding environment.



Exactly on the 22nd of April yesterday was the 54th anniversary of the celebration of Earth Day, everyone from all over the world left their homes to celebrate Earth Day by carrying out various activities to save the earth from the extreme climate changes that have occurred in the past year.

Show your experiences or activities that you will take care of the earth for the better!

What I do most often to take care of the earth for the better is I reduce the use of plastic in carrying out various daily activities, because the waste from plastic waste will not decompose for hundreds of years which can damage the earth and the environment.



Then I also don't burn garbage carelessly because the smoke can affect the healthy oxygen in the environment where I live, then I also always dispose of trash in its place to keep the environment clean and the earth can be healthier.

Show environmentally friendly products that you use when traveling or on adventures

When traveling or on an adventure, I always use carbon-free soap and shampoo to make it safe for the environment, then I also really avoid bringing food in plastic packaging which can pollute the environment.



Usually I always replace plastic bags with folding shopping bags so that it can be simpler and can reduce plastic waste. For cutlery, I usually prefer to bring cutlery which is of the stainless type so that it can be washed again and can be taken home, if you bring disposable cutlery it will pollute the environment a lot because I have to throw it away immediately after use.

Share tips for protecting the environment from trash when adventuring in nature!

When going on adventures in nature such as hiking in the mountains, I always bring back any trash that I produce from the various food ingredients that I bring, I immediately put this garbage back in my bag so that it is not polluted in the beautiful outdoors.



Never litter in nature, let alone plastic waste, put it back in your bag and dispose of it in the space provided.

Your hope for the future of the earth!

Hopefully this earth will stay healthy in the future, I want fresh and healthy air that we can continue to breathe and the climate on earth remains stable. Hopefully in the future there will be no more extreme climate change that will make geothermal out of control.



There is no illegal cutting of trees and deforestation which can destroy nature so that it can cause extreme climate change which can make the geothermal heat rise tens of degrees. I want all of us to be able to keep our earth healthy.

This is my entry for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @f2i5, @waterjoe, @fantvwiki, @abialfatih and @ismuhadiadi to participate together in this contest.

 last year 

Terima kasih telah mengundang saya saya juga akan mengikuti kontes ini semoga kita sukses dan yang paling penting adalah mari sama-sama kita menjaga kelestarian bumi ini untuk dapat kita wariskan kepada anak cucu kita

 last year 

Benar sekali Abi😊💪💪

 last year 

Thank you for sharing posts, improve the quality of your posts and stay original.

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Voting CSI13.3

Thank you !!!
Have a nice day !

 last year 

Terimakasih atas verifikasi nya bang

 last year 

I think it's great that you take steps to reduce your environmental impact while traveling or on an adventure. Using carbon-free soap and shampoo and avoiding plastic packaging for food are simple yet effective ways to help protect the environment. And using reusable bags and cutlery made of stainless steel is a great way to reduce waste and minimize pollution. Keep up the good work!🎉🎉🎉

 last year 

Terimakasih atas komentar baiknya saudara, mari kita sama-sama terus menjaga lingkungan untuk kesehatan bumi kita tercinta

 last year 

Muy bonito post, sanar la Tierra es tarea de todos, debemos ser consciente y mantenerla limpia es nuestro hogar, el único que Dios nos dio para vivir, saludos éxitos en el concurso

 last year 

Terimakasih kawan, semoga Kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

 last year 

Semoga bumi kita terjaga dan masyarakat makin sadar akan kebersihan lingkungan serta menjaga kelestarian alam...

 last year 

Amin, itulah yang kita harapkan bang

 last year 

Estimado amigo @ikwal. El bienestar del planeta es algo que nos debe preocupar a todos, por lo tanto debemos mantener acciones que favorezcan a nuestro hogar.

Cuidar los ecosistemas y restaurarlos es nuestra misión, así podemos detener o minimizar el cambio climático, que está generando tanto daño en diversas regiones.

Gracias por compartirlo.

Saludos. SL
FJJRG Saludos.png

 last year 

Terimakasih atas komentar baiknya saudara, semoga kita selalu sehat, terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

 last year 

Anda telah melakukan hal-hal positif tentang menjaga bumi. Ini menarik karena menjaga bumi adalah kewajiban kita bersama..
Semoga sukses sobat ku.. 👍

 last year 

Terimakasih bang, inilah tanggung jawab terbesar kita saat hidup di dunia ini

 last year 

Of course, with pleasure 🤗

 last year 

hii @ikwal

First of all we save the environment by planting trees which saves the earth the air around us is from the trees we exhaust so we have to prevent deforestation and keep the environment around us beautiful,
If we don't find dirt there, if we throw women in a certain place, our environment will be beautiful and the environment can be protected from pollution.
I wish you best of luck

 last year 

Terimakasih saudari

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