Value of life - A lesson from grandpa

in LOVE PEACE FREEDOM4 years ago

Photo by Ida Bagus Anggarama from Pexels

Once a little boy named Joe ran to his grandfather and asked “Grandpa, is there a value for a life? How much my life worth?”. Gently smiled grandfather picked a small red color raw stone from the drawer and gave it to the little boy and said “Little Joe, first of all, run to the town and find the value of this stone for me please. But remember to not to sell this at any cost”. “Ok grandpa” said little Joe and ran to the town.

In the town, little Joe found an apple seller. He ran to the seller, showed the small stone to him and asked “Sir, how much can you offer me for this stone?”. The apple seller checked the stone while thinking and answered the boy “Dear little one, this is an ordinary piece of stone I think. However, since this is very precious to you, I’ll give an apple in exchange for this”. “Thank you much sir, but my grandpa asked me not to sell this one. I just wanted to know the value of this stone. Have a nice day” said joe and ran away.

Next he went to a vegetable seller and showed him the stone and asked the same question. Surprised vegetable seller checked the stone carefully and answered the little boy “I’ll give you a bag full of vegetables for this stone”. “Thank you sir, but this stone is not for sale. I just wanted to know the value. Have a nice day” replied little joe and ran away.

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

Then little joe saw a jewelry shop next to the street and went inside. The jeweler greeted the little boy and asked how may he can help. The little boy showed the small stone and asked “Sir, can you please tell me the value of this stone?”. The jeweler carefully examined the stone and answered, “Dear little one, I’ll give you ten grands for this stone”. “Thank you so much sir, but I can’t sell this stone” said little joe. “Wait son, I’ll give you ten grands and two beautiful gold necklaces if you’re willing to sell the stone to me” the jeweler said again. “I’m really sorry sir, my grandpa asked me not to sell this stone at any cost. I just wanted to know the value. Have a nice day” said little joe and ran away.

Then he came across with a gem trader who seemed to be a nice person. The little boy ran to the gem trader and showed him the stone. The gem trader carefully examined the stone and asked the little boy, “Dear little one, where did you find this stone?”. “My grandpa gave it to me. He asked me to find the value of this stone for him. Can you please tell me how much this stone worth?” said little boy. The gem trader smiled gently and replied, “Dear little one, this is not an ordinary stone. It’s a precious stone called ‘red sapphire’. This stone is much valuable than you think. I don’t think I have enough money to buy this. Don’t sell this less than hundred grands. Please come with your grandpa tomorrow. I will Introduce you to a good buyer who can give proper value for your stone”. “Thank you so much sir, have a nice day!” said the little boy and ran back to his grandfather right away.

The boy was really happy and he told everything happened in the town to his grandpa. Finally, he asked “Grandpa, can you now tell me the value of my life please?”. Grandfather smiled gently and answered the little boy “My dear little one, I think you have already found the answer for your question”. “I have already found? How come?” asked little joe surprisingly. Grandfather replied “Yes little one, we all come across with lot of people during our life time. They will judge you and determine your value based on their knowledge, experiences, honesty and beliefs. Some may say you have no value at all. Some may give you a little value without understanding you properly. Some may under value you intentionally, although they know you’re much valuable than that. And the best people who really know and understand you will show you the real value of your life. They will show you how much valuable you are to them. Therefore, my little one, always believe in yourself. Value yourself. Don’t judge or under estimate your value based on the comments of the people around you. Always respect yourself. Because you are so precious.”



Hello kazz89,

a wonderful story about the value of life.

You have been nominated to the JANASILVER LOVE AWARD OF September 2020


Thank you much for your appreciation.. your comment motivates me.. I will keep posting more stories like this.

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