What is meant by environmentally friendly technology?

in Steem-Environment3 years ago


I started first by understanding what technology is and what is eco-friendly.

Technology is all means to provide goods needed for survival and comfort of human life. Environmentally friendly is something that does not damage the surrounding natural environment or a program that does not cause a bad impact or negative impact on the surrounding environment.

So from these two terms it can be understood that environmentally friendly technology is all means to facilitate human life that does not have a negative impact on the environment.

The objectives of developing environmentally friendly technologies are :

Continuity - This means that existing technology can meet current human needs for future generations (sustainability).

Design - In short, making non-disposable products, which can be reused over and over again.

Source reduction -Reduce waste and pollution by changing production and consumption patterns to be more efficient.

Innovation - Develop alternative technologies to replace fossil fuels or agriculture with chemicals that are proven to be damaging to health and the environment.

Life sustainability - Creating a product/technology that not only drives the economy but also benefits the environment.

Examples of the application of environmentally friendly technologies are:

Energy Sector
development of alternative fuels, new ways to produce energy and energy efficiency.

Eco-friendly building
Innovation in building materials and environmentally friendly building designs

Eco-friendly goods
Goods whose production has the least impact on environmental change.

Chemical environment
The invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.

Eco-friendly nano technology
Nanotechnology involves manipulating materials at the nanometer scale, millionths of a meter. An example could be one day making mini solar panels that can generate 1000 kWh of electricity.

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this is a post that has very important material, a short way of writing but is able to convey all messages, very easy to read, thank you for sharing knowledge.

greetings sustainable environment

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir I hope the environment will be sustainable

Semoga begitu

This post has been included in the latest edition of Steem Environment Magazine, please allow it.


 2 years ago 

Of course, I welcome. very cool magazine my brother @klen.civil
Greetings from me

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