Benefits and bad effects of organic waste by @imohmitch

in Steem-Environment2 years ago (edited)


I am very happy to take part in this write up brought by @steemenvironment , because our environment is very important.

Organic waste

Firstly I have to define this organic waste to bring more highlights
Organic waste is any material that is capable of being decomposed either by a bacteria, and it do comes from either a plant or animal, it can be broken into simple organic molecules, it comes from plants , animals and some micro.organism.And some examples are food waste, human waste etc . The four main elements found in organic waste are carbon , hydrogen ,oxygen and nitrogen, they are all found in this waste
Now let me get to the questions asked

Name 2 types of organic waste

There are various examples of organic waste and they include

• Food waste
Wastages of food is very common in the globe at large
What are food wastages, they refer to food that completes that food supply lineup up to the final product of good quality and it is fit for consumption , but it still doesn't get consumed, so it is known as waste . Now getting back to the organic waste we meant , food waste is a typical kind of organic waste which includes food , as they will be decomposed by bacteria, when there's waste food ,and it stays for days you will see bacteria growing on it, it wants to decompose the food waste

• Human waste
Human waste is somehow similar to food waste , and it is mainly human excretes which are faeces an urine, it is known to be somehow useful, but it is toxic.

Benefits of organic waste

• organic waste when turned to compost helps to grow crops
• it reduces our dependency on fertilizers, as it will be achieved easily
• clean animal waste can also be used to feed animals

Bad consequences of organic waste

Organic waste is very harmful to human health and also animals
• organic waste generates unpleasant odors and triggers/ brings in rats, flies, mosquitoes which will then be bad to our health.
We should properly take care of waste in our environment as it can cause damages to health.

I have set 10% rewards to @hive-161774

I invite @bethix ,@brightoekeh @davidmarkgeorge to join this contest


 2 years ago 

Hi @imohmitch ! Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in the Steem Environment contest.

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