the beauty of the morning before sunrise in North Aceh

in Steem Japan2 years ago



Good evening steemit friends, wherever you are. Hope you are all in good health and may we all always be in the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

On this occasion I would like to share some of the results of God's vote that I have given using an ordinary cellphone camera, this time is one of the photos I took in the morning when the sun had not yet risen and at that time I took a walk to enjoy the natural panorama in the morning. day and I stopped at the rice fields and I saw so beautiful in the East
with this beautiful nature and this very charming rice field I saw the sun had not yet risen and only I saw the light of the sun and I immediately returned it to share with my friends all here and this is one of the beauty of the morning in my hometown

in front of me is one of the ExxonMobil fields this is one of the most magnificent oil mines in the world, namely the oil mine in Aceh, this is the oil mine located in front of our house and all the way up to the mountain there are all oil mines and this is where we are living beside the oil mine even though our life is not so advanced..


we can always see the beauty of the morning wherever we are and of course the morning gives a different color with its beauty which is so interesting and all Maybe every morning there must be differences when the sun wants to rise with the beauty of the clouds that cover the sky around us Of course it has a difference every morning from both the clouds and the morning color radiance... of course it has its own uniqueness





This is all I can share on this happy night hope you all like it. Thank you for visiting my blog and don't forget to give criticism and suggestions and don't forget to continue to follow my block so that all of you can easily see my next post.



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