Talking About Jesus || part 1:

in Steem Japan3 years ago
When I was a little boy, my mom used to take me to shore whenever we visited our hometown. I was about a 4 years old boy who had much joy but didn't really know what brought all that joy. I used to play along the shore with other relatives who have also come from the city. It was mostly Christmas or Easter celebration. we would eat and dirty ourselves with sand till 5:00pm and we are forced to go back inside. I asked my mom one day, what's behind the sea. She answered, "Nobody knows, only God could tell". At that time I had little idea about this God. I really admired the sunsets because of the mixed up colors. I always wondered, who painted the skies with so many different colors. And why does the person paint it only in the evening. All these questions popped up, even ones wonderous than these.

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Eventually i started reading well so i decided to read my Bible. A chapter each day wasn't bad. I felt some part of it was a story and some felt like history. But not long i came over some verses in the Bible. 1st Samuel chapter 3 talked about a little boy who heard the voice of God. At this point of the Bible i got to believe in God more and more. Teachers at church also talked about Jesus being the son of God and God at the same time and the word too (Found in John 1:1). This even made me more curious about knowing Jesus. I learnt he had disciples who followed Him and later became powerful as Him and even did more than He did because He gave them the power that believed in Him. I got more attracted to the word of God because it made more meaning than the textbooks I read in primary school. I don't know for others and a few others I knew when I was pretty much a kid. It would be difficult for man to leave is deity and worship another deity. But upon seeing for myself the miracles God did in my life, after ultimately believing in Jesus as God himself. I don't think there is anything too hard for God to deal with in any ones life. Some worship God's that they made with their hands. But you know? "Why do the nations say, Where is their God? Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them." - Psalm 115: 2-8.

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This is exactly what is in the world, people pouring libations to gods they made with their own hands, sculptures and statues. made with metals and sand. Those that make these gods are like unto them and so will be anyone who worships and believe in those idols. Jesus Christ came to die for our sins and we need to be sacrificing animals to Him. All we need to do is to worship Him with our hearts, soul and mind. Believing that with God every thing is possible. It might seem like a joke to the rich, wealthy and anyone who still doesn't believe in God, But there is a place called Heaven and a place called hell. It is real and a day is coming when everyone will be judged according to his deeds on this earth. For now we have liberty to do everything we want. If you could, you should ask the dead, they will tell you how it feels. there is no redemption after death. The Bible says, "It is appointed unto man to die once and after that there is Judgement." Don't ever be deceived that the idols are same as God, for there is no one like God. you don't worship God through statues and mortals. God is spirit and all powerful so those that worship must worship him in spirit and truth. Jesus loves everyone despite your position and status. When God came down to save all humanity as Jesus it was in human form. so this should tell us that God knows all human needs he has lived as a human. Ask yourself, does your statues breathe, does the idol know how to talk. Think about this. Psalm 16:4.

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Many people are lost because most Christians are scared to speak out. But as Paul did, i have that great conviction and purpose to talk about the light of the World. God loves you. Do right and forsake wrong. Even in our sins God came to die for us as an atonement for our sins. If it wasn't of God's love and faithfulness on the cross, Crucifixion of himself on the cross. If it wasn't for Jesus where would we be? Today we are able to stand and testify that the death of Jesus was life onto us, His pain was healing onto our body. His tears are joy and celebration unto us. For God so loved the world that he brought Himself down to die for us and to make us pure once again as it was in the beginning when he created man. John 3:16

 3 years ago 

@realhavenn さん、こんにちは。

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