Collection of Types of Orange Beetles || Macrophotography || Steem Japan || 10% to japansteemit

in Steem Japan2 years ago


hello all steemian friends wherever you are, on this occasion I want to post macrographic photos in the japan steem community, namely the orange beetle.

This orange beetle has a very bright color, this beetle has a bright orange color where it is above the leaf that it feeds on, when it is on the leaf Not wasting time, I immediately took a picture, and the result is an aesthetic macro photo.

Beetles can be recognized by the characteristics of the thick and hard forewings, which serve to protect the thin hind wings when not in flight. When flying the rear wing is used, so the front wing is opened and stretched, not used. The beetle's mouth consists of strong mandibles which are used for biting, gnawing or chewing food consisting of solid objects. Beetles can be found in a variety of terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

the following portrait of the orange beetle below:






that's my post about the type of orange beetle at night, hopefully steemian friends are interested in this beetle.

By, @rajaachenes

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Beneficiary rewardsYES

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