The season started! =/= Die Saison ist eröffnet! 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GER

in Steem Japanlast month


The only thing to say is: finally. As in previous years, it took a while, but finally I found my way into the water. The weather over the last few days and weeks has just been too good and now that the temperatures have risen, there's no excuse not to get to the beach and plunge into the water for the first time this year. When, if not now!

At first I was still a bit cautious and I didn't jump into the waves headfirst. As you get older, you start to know how to approach things, so I went into the water in a very calm and relaxed manner. Especially as no one else around me had the idea of swimming. But sunshine and 27 degrees were the best invitation to go for a swim, and I couldn't and I didn't want to turn down this invitation.

The water was still a little fresh in some places, but that should surely change over the next few weeks. Personally, I found it very pleasant and I really enjoyed my first swim. And I actually came across at least one other swimmer, an older man who easily beat me in terms of swimming technique. He did a few laps back and forth, a swimming style that I find very difficult due to my lack of skill. But that doesn't stop me from trying a little crawl as well, because at least once a day you should get out of breath.

But anyway, I had fun. The bathing season has finally started and I hope that I'll get to the beach and into the water a few more times this summer. Sometimes alone like today, but also in the company of my dream team, which I'm really looking forward to.

And as the good weather is likely to continue for a few more days, I might even repeat today's experience soon. You can't turn down opportunities like this one, especially as the rainy season is due to start next week. So we better get into the water again quickly, because the best time of the year is right NOW!



Endlich kann man wohl nur sagen. Es hat wie in den letzten Jahren ein wenig gedauert, aber endlich habe ich den Weg ins Wasser gefunden. Das Wetter der letzten Tage und Wochen war einfach zu schön und da nun auch die Temperaturen immer höher geklettert sind, gab es keine Ausrede mehr, nicht zum Strand zu kommen und sich das erste Mal in diesem Jahr in die Fluten zu stürzen. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt!

Zu allererst war ich noch etwas vorsichtig und bin nicht gkeich kopfüber in die Wellen gesprungen. Mit gesetztem Alter weiß man langsam, wie man die Dinge angehen sollte, und daher bin ich erst mal ganz ruhig und entspannt ins Wasser hineingelaufen. Vor allem da um mich herum kein anderen auf die Idee kam, zu baden. Aber Sonnenschein und 27 Grad waren die beste Einladung, ein wenig zu schwimmen, und diese Einladung wollte und konnte ich doch nicht ausschlagen.

Das Wasser war ein einigen Stellen noch etwas frisch, aber das sollte sich in den nächsten Wochen auch noch ändern. Persönlich fand ich es sehr angenehm und ich habe meine erste Runde im Wasser sehr genossen. Zumindest einem anderen Schwimmer bin ich dann doch begegnet, einem älteren Herren, der mich in Sachen Schwimmtechnik um Längen geschlagen hat. Der Gute ist ein mehrere Bahnen hin und her gekrault, eine Schwimmstil, bei dem ich aufgrund der fehlenden Technik sehr schnell ins Pusten komme. Was mich aber trotzdem nicht davon abhält, auch ein wenig zu kraulen, denn zumindest einmal am Tag sollte man auch aus der Puste kommen.

Aber wie auch immer, ich hatte meinen Spaß. Endlich ist die Badesaison eingeläutet und ich hoffe, dass ich noch so einige Male in diesem Sommer hier an den Strand und ins Wasser kommen werde. Mal allein so wie heute, aber auch in Begleitung meines Dream-Teams, worauf ich mich schon riesig freue.

Und da das gute Wetter noch ein paar Tage anhalten dürfte, gibt es vielleicht schon bald eine Wiederholung. Solch Gelegenheiten darf man doch nicht ausschlagen, vor allem, da in der nächsten Woche wohl auch die Regenzeit beginnen wird. Dann lieber noch einmal schnell ins Wasser, denn die schönste Zeit des Jahres ist genau JETZT!



I know how much you have been looking forward to this @maxinpower :) so I am thrilled to hear that you had a great time! Also, I must say - that water does look quite tempting! Calm too!

At first I was still a bit cautious and I didn't jump into the waves headfirst. As you get older, you start to know how to approach things, so I went into the water in a very calm and relaxed manner.

I admire your confidence... even if it is cautious confidence. I think I may have mentioned this to you before, or perhaps someone else around here... but I have had two quite traumatic experiences in the ocean in my life time and because of that I no longer have the confidence to get into the water and swim.

I am happy to walk up to about waist height - but that is where I draw the line :) Though I will say that I would like to overcome that insecurity and fear... I guess it just has to be initiated with the right person who makes me feel relatively comfortable in a situation which makes me feel anything but.

And as the good weather is likely to continue for a few more days

Enjoy it! I have no doubt you will :)

 last month 

I also had some bad experience in the waters when I was a child, but fortunately I don't really remember it. I won't say I am a good swimmer, but I enjoy it really much to jump into the ocean.

I wish you could overcome that fear of deeper water somehow. As you said, you need the right person on your side, or maybe not only one but a group of friends could be a good ideas too. Take little steps without putting yourself under too much pressure. Who knows, maybe eventually you will want to go in deeper by yourself!

Enjoy it! I have no doubt you will :)

Thank you very much. I already went there again :)

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