The rain cannot spoil the beauty =/= Der Regen kann den Zauber nicht trüben👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GER

in Steem Japan6 months ago


After it suddenly got really warm in the last few days and the temperatures almost exceeded the 20 degree mark, the cherry blossom couldn't wait any longer. Within just a few days, many of the trees in our city had almost reached full bloom and were suddenly glowing in the most beautiful shades of white and pink. Suddenly everything happened far too quickly again, the first delicate blossoms turned into a wonderful spectacle in no time at all, which I hadn't really had a chance to look at yet.

Perhaps it was a good thing that the rain intervened, at least on this day, which slowed things down a little. Suddenly it was 10 degrees less than the day before and you were glad you hadn't put your winter jacket too far away.

But even in the rain, Queen Sakura still manages to impress us with ease. On my way back, I took a slightly different route this time and I passed a small shrine. Once again, I had to stop spontaneously, and actually I just wanted to have a quick look to check if there was anything to see here.

Next to a small local shrine there was a blooming cherry tree, which since I was already here, I decided to take a closer look at. Although it was still drizzling, the place looked quite charming and once again I couldn't resist taking a few pictures for the gallery.

When I looked at them later, I was more than glad that I had once again followed my spontaneous inspiration and taken a closer look at my surroundings. After all, it is precisely these scenes that I am on the hunt for and which I am fortunate enough to discover again and again. The cherry bloom is not over yet, and there will probably be a few more highlights over the next few days. The weather looks promising too, so I think there will be some more pictures to marvel at soon. I'm already looking forward to it...



Nachdem es in den letzten Tagen auf einmal richtig warm geworden ist und die Temperaturen fast die 20 Grad Marke überschritten hatten, wollte sich auch die Kirschblüte nicht länger bitten lassen. Innerhalb weniger Tage haben viele Bäume bei uns in der Stadt fast die Vollblüte erreicht und strahlten auf einmal in herrlichsten Weiß- und Rosatönen. Auf einmal ging alles wieder viel zu schnell, aus den ersten zarten Blüten ist ruckzuck ein wundervolles Spektakel geworden, welches ich mir noch gar nicht so richtig anschauen konnte.

Vielleicht war es deshalb sogar ganz gut, dass uns zumindest an diesem Tag der Regen dazwischen kam, welcher die ganze Sache ein wenig ausbremste. Auf einmal waren es 10 Grad weniger als am Vortag und man freute sich, wenn man die Winterjacke noch nicht ganz so weit weg gelegt hatte.

Aber auch bei Regen macht Königin Sakura eine gute Figur und schafft es spielend, uns in Verzückung zu bringen. Auf der Rückfahrt hatte ich diesmal ein leicht veränderte Route genommen, auf ich an einem kleinen Schrein vorbeikam. Wieder einmal musste ich ganz spontan anhalten, und eigentlich wollte ich nur ganz kurz schauen, ob es denn hier etwas zu sehen gäbe.

Neben einem kleinen lokalen Schrein war ein Kirschbaum am Blühen, welchen ich mir, nur da ich schon einmal hier war, nun genauer anschaute. Obwohl es immer noch nieselte, wirkte der Ort doch ganz zauberhaft und ich konnte mal wieder nicht widerstehen und musste ein paar Bilder für die Gallerie machen.

Beim späteren Betrachten war ich dann natürlich ganz froh darüber, wieder einmal meiner spontanen Eingebung gefolgt zu sein und mich in meiner Umgebung ein wenig genauer umgesehen zu haben. Denn es sind genau diese Szenen, nach denen ich auf der Jagd bin und welche ich dabei glücklicherweise immer wieder entdecke. Die Kirschblüte ist noch nicht vorbei, und in den nächsten Tagen wird es wahrscheinlich noch ein paar Höhepunkte geben. Das Wetter scheint auch vielversprechend zu werden, also gibt es demnächst wohl noch ein paar ganz tolle Bilder zu bewundern. Ich freu mich schon...








I think I have mentioned my affection for cherry blossoms on one of your previous posts - but nonetheless :) They are such beautiful blooms!!! The way you described how they all suddenly came into bloom at once, is almost as if they had been in hiding... just waiting for the right moment, lol.

Interestingly, my late mom who was an avid gardener mentioned quite a bit in her last years how she was noticing that things were all coming into bloom at wrong/odd times more and more as each year passed - and how the seasons here were gradually changing... I suppose this would be the same everywhere...

 6 months ago 

For me too, the cherry blossoms are like an out-of-this-world thing. that is why I enjoy this time so much. Of course one reason is, because this time is so short and fleeting, it is so precious and special to us. If it was all year long, it would be different I guess.

And yes, your mother was right. Last year was especially strange, as the cherries where blooming several weeks earlier and only for quite a short time, shorter than usual. it was all over in a blink and I felt quite blue. But I am not sure if that is a new thing, or if flowers and trees have always been blooming and greening at different times.We might only think it was always at the beginning of April that the Cheery Trees were blooming, but if we look over a very long distance of time we might be surprised how much that schedule could change.

But I also thing, us humans do have some effect on the season change as well. putting out all that pollution can't be without affecting our environment. That is why we have to protect it.

Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will make sure to post some more cherry blossoms pics the next days :)

But I am not sure if that is a new thing, or if flowers and trees have always been blooming and greening at different times.

I think it is a relatively new thing (last 5 to 10 yrs) - as I say, my mom was a keen gardener so she paid close attention to when things would bloom versus when they are "technically supposed to" - but I suppose we will never really know, lol - mother nature does her own thing :D

us humans do have some effect on the season change as well. putting out all that pollution can't be without affecting our environment. That is why we have to protect it.


Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will make sure to post some more cherry blossoms pics the next days :)

Looking forward to it :)

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