Further down or finally up again?

in Steem Japanlast year

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Even though we are just in May, it might already be time to draw the first conclusions. This year, somehow I don't seem to be able to accomplish that much. Over and over again, there are those small setbacks that stop me in my tracks and are extremely annoying. And so far I can not report any successes, even though I would like to brag about them a lot.

There are probably a lot of reasons, some of which I have to blame on myself. But there are also external influences that in this year don't seem to have had a very positive effect on me and my environment. Therefore, I haven't really made any progress so far.

Mostly it's just little things that go wrong or don't work out as planned. But quite a lot of them have piled up, so it's starting to be obvious. But in the end everything is relativ, so I probably don't have any real reason to complain, but should rather see everything from its competitive side. After all, everything could always be much worse.

And fortunately, there have already been some highlights this year that still inspire me and that I try to live up to. As usual, life is a wild roller coaster ride, and you never know what awaits you after the next turn. Is it perhaps going slowly up again, or even further down? And that steeply and at full speed.

Every day is like reaching into a mystery bag, although once in a while I'd also like to pull out a real winner. There have already been a lot of booby prizes so far, which means that it would actually be my turn to win big now.

But our our own reality is usually more like a fiction, and doesn't stand up to a proper stocktaking. Sometimes the foundation of our own life is too creaky and shaky to be able to build a new palace on it. It is probably time to adjust and position myself again, and to set my own compass correctly.

Maybe this will help you to get back on course and to be able to avoid the many obstacles that lie ahead. With a little bit of luck, there might be some new achievements and successes to report soon. The most important thing is probably not to lose control at all now and to get up again tomorrow morning. Even if I would rather stay in bed all day....


Ein bißchen kryptisch... Alles okay da drüben? Ich hoffe, es geht Euch gut und die Entscheidungen, die Ihr treffen wolltet, fliegen Euch nur so zu... ;-))

 last year 

Du weißt doch, hier auf der Blockchain geht es immer nur ums verschlüsseln!

Aber naja, mit den Entscheidung ist das so eine Sache. Richtig trauen wir uns da im Augenblick noch nicht ran, und lassen wahrscheinlich die Zeit entscheiden

 last year 

@maxinpower さん、こんにちは。





💡 アップボートガイド 💡


Over and over again, there are those small setbacks that stop me in my tracks and are extremely annoying.


With a little bit of luck, there might be some new achievements and successes to report soon.


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