10% to japansteemit : we must maintain faith, a fixed price

in Steem Japan3 years ago



Her name is Mbah Sapar. He is 80 years old. Her hair had turned white. Some of his teeth look missing. Mbah Sapar and his wife, Mbah Karti, are native Muslims in Diwak Hamlet. Only the two of them are genuine Muslims. Only their family or 1 Muslim household in Diwak Hamlet.

Meanwhile, another Muslim, namely Mas Puan, his family has all apostatized. He is the only one in his family who is Muslim. So the Family Card in the religion column contains two religions.

At that time, the convert team at the Semarang Regency Center visited Mbah Sapar's house. We tried to greet the Muslim residents there who were only 3 people. Talk heart to heart about their feelings.

We listened wholeheartedly to Mbah Sapar's story. Even though she is a minority, Mbah Sapar diligently recites the Koran, even to Magelang. Using the Astrea Grand motorbike from the 80s, Mbah Sapar and his wife went to the taklim assembly.

The two of them penetrated the dark night and the cold air of Mount Merbabu to meet their fellow believers. For the sake of seeking knowledge, so that their faith will be stronger.

Indeed, we see the sincerity and firmness of principle in Mbah Sapar. Several times he was offered to convert. Lured by property if you want to give up your belief. Once offered a cow, motorbike, money as long as you want to change religion. But all of the offers were rejected. Mbah Sapar is solid like a rock in the ocean. Do not want to exchange their beliefs for a bit of worldly pleasure.

Mbah Sapar and Mbah Karti are not rich people. They lived simply until their old age. In fact, currently raising 2 calves belonging to non-Muslims. Later if the cow gives birth, then the calves will be his. Every day Mbah Sapar looked for grass for the two calves.

Mbah Sapar is a portrait of a Muslim role model on the slopes of Merbabu. Remain persistent in embracing Islam despite poor conditions and in minority circles. The composition of the Muslim population in the village is only 1%. A very small amount.

May Mbah Sapar and Mbah Karti always istiqomah until the end of life, amen

Don't ask how many missionaries have come to the village, there is even a version of the master's thesis and it has been published, on the other hand we are still busy debating the khilafiyyah case that has no end, and fighting over the claim "who is the most ahlus sunnah?"


Namanya Mbah Sapar. Usianya 80 tahun. Rambutnya sudah memutih. Beberapa giginya terlihat ompong. Mbah Sapar dan istrinya, yaitu Mbah Karti adalah warga muslim asli di Dusun Diwak. Hanya mereka berdua yang asli muslim. Hanya keluarga mereka atau 1 KK muslim saja yang ada di Dusun Diwak.

Sedangkan muslim lainnya, yaitu mas Puan, keluarganya sudah murtad semua. Hanya dia seorang dalam keluarganya yang muslim. Jadi Kartu Keluarganya dikolom agama terdapat dua agama.

Saat itu Tim Mualaf Center Kab Semarang bersilaturahim ke rumah Mbah Sapar. Kami mencoba menyapa warga muslim disana yang cuma ada 3 orang. Berbicara dari hati ke hati tentang perasaan mereka.

Kami mendengarkan sepenuh hati kisah dari Mbah Sapar. Meskipun minoritas, tapi Mbah Sapar rajin mengaji, bahkan hingga Magelang. Dengan menggunakan motor Astrea Grand keluaran tahun 80-an, Mbah Sapar beserta istrinya mendatangi majelis taklim.

Mereka berdua menembus gelapnya malam dan dinginnya udara Gunung Merbabu demi bertemu dengan saudara seimannya. Demi menuntut ilmu, agar keimanan mereka semakin kokoh.

Sungguh, kami melihat ketulusan dan keteguhan prinsip dalam diri Mbah Sapar. Beberapa kali dia ditawari berpindah agama. Diiming-imingi harta benda jika mau melepaskan keyakinannya. Pernah ditawari sapi, motor, uang asal mau berpindah agama. Tapi tawaran itu ditolak semua. Mbah Sapar kokoh bagai batu karang di lautan. Tak mau menukar keyakinannya demi secuil kenikmatan duniawi.

Mbah Sapar dan Mbah Karti bukanlah orang kaya. Mereka hidup sederhana hingga masa tuanya. Bahkan saat ini memelihara 2 ekor anak sapi milik non Muslim. Kelak jika sapi itu beranak, maka anakan sapi akan menjadi miliknya. Setiap hari Mbah Sapar mencari rumput untuk kedua anak sapi tersebut.

Mbah Sapar adalah potret teladan muslim di lereng Merbabu. Tetap gigih memeluk Islam meskipun kondisi papa dan dilingkungan minoritas. Komposisi warga muslim di desanya hanya ada 1%. Sebuah jumlah yang sangat sedikit.

Semoga Mbah Sapar dan Mbah Karti selalu istiqomah hingga akhir hayat, aamiin

Jangan bertanya sudah berapa banyak misionaris yang datang ke desa tersebut, bahkan sudah ada versi tesis S2 dan sudah diterbitkan, disisi lain kita malah masih sibuk debat perkara khilafiyyah yang tiada titik ujungnya, serta berebut klaim "siapa yang paling ahlus sunnah?"

 3 years ago 

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Mashaa Allah.... Subhan Allah... Barak Allah they are beautiful and inspirational for all Muslims worldwide💞💞
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