Life: A hope that does not end.

in Freewriters3 months ago
Hello everyone, today I want to present you this reflection about Hope which is called: ''Light at the end of the tunnel''

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From the moment a person is born, he/she is already aging, every minute, every second, every instant; it is less time that we have left to live, that is why hope must be an ally when walking in this extremely complex life. An illness, an accident, anything, no matter how small, can extinguish the spark that gives rise to our existence in this dimension. Why then live a gray life when we can brighten our lives based on the hope that our setbacks could improve. Why resign ourselves to death because of a doctor's diagnosis of a terminal illness when the future is not yet written. Why lose faith in humanity when inside all people there is light and no one is completely evil. Why cry for a job you didn't get when destiny has a better one in store for you. Why put our hope in money, that, although money helps and can open doors, what is really important is not bought by life, a sincere friend or a true love. Hope is like a Paladin that keeps us serene in times of difficulty, that helps us to overcome the most critical moments of our lives and that remains with us until the end of our days because as the saying goes '' Hope is the last thing to be lost ''.

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Hope is like the so-called ''Light at the end of the tunnel'', that light that keeps you confident and looking forward to it knowing that no matter how hard the journey is or how difficult it is to get there, you only know one thing that at the end of that tunnel if you make it through it you will get to a better place.

Therefore, my friend, always keep hope, even if the waters of the sea try to knock you down.


Thrue we die from the moment we are born. With this knowledge we should make each day count.

You added nice pictures. 👍

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