Freewrite -- story teller

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

The White Witch was, at times, an excellent storyteller. One night, as they sat beside the fire, the Sparkle Fairy said: "Tell me a story, love."

*AI Generated Art

The White Witch took a sip of wine and began: "Once Upon a time, there were a pair of twins boys born to a family of merchants. They were identical in every way. Their names were Spingle and Span.

One summer when they were still too young to remember, the plague came to town, and their parents sadly died. Spingle and Span were orphaned to two separate households: Spingle to a family of poor farmers and Span to a skilled crafter of trinkets.

Spingle had to work hard every day of his childhood, and he grew to be a strong man. In the evenings he liked to wander the countryside, and one day he came upon a stream that was magical indeed. Whoever gazed upon this stream saw in his reflection the most beautiful face staring back at him. Though he was poor, Spingle saw himself as being more beautiful than anyone else he ever beheld, and over time, his pride grew and grew.

On the other hand, Span lived in a kaleidoscopic household surrounded by the inventions of a great, but evil, imagination. In this household was a magical mirror, and he who gazed upon it saw only ugliness. Span learned many things from his crafty father, but inside he was bitter about his looks, which he thought were so unfair.

"One day, when they were both adults Spingle and Span crossed paths in the streets of the town, and neither one recognized himself in the other, but something about the look of Span's face captivated Spingle.

"What are you staring at, you hideous thing?" Span, who was always uncomfortable being looked upon, said to Spingle.

Spingle, who was vain in the extreme, took great offense at this, and a mortal brawl ensued between the two unknowing brothers."

"Oh no!" The Sparkle Fairy said. "What happened then?"

"Strong as Spingle was, and crafty as Span was, both suffered lethal injuries in the fight."

"They both died?"


"But that's so sad. Can't you tell me a happy story?"

"Not all stories have happy endings, my dear."

"I want a happy story," the Sparkle Fairy insisted.

"Did I ever tell you about the time the White Witch met the Sparkle Fairy?"

"No, no you didn't. What happened?"

"They lived happily ever after....."

#freedom #writing #freewrite #story #art


You got me at white witch.

Oh.. and I laugh at the ending. Thanks.

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